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- Since a vampire cannot grow, cannot gain or lose weight or muscle mass, or develop any further than the state they were in when they originally crossed over, no matter how many years ago...there is a psychological effect that many vampires affectionately refer to as 'Growth Envy'. It is especially rampant in vampires that were turned as children or teenagers. (A 'Halflife') It is a desperate longing to mature beyond their current state of being, and physically evolve. But due to the crossover process, and the lack of biological elements needed for them to 'age'...the vampire's appearance DOES not, and CANNOT, change ever again. So, unfortunately, they are left with a deep sense of unending regret, wondering what it would have been like to actually 'grow up' and have an adult male or female body. While it may cause depression and withdrawal in some vampires, it can be a very dangerous and despaiing condition for others who have found it difficult to deal with over the years. This disorder causes feelings of severe insecurity, jealousy, and occasional outbursts of anger or resentment. However, it has been known to express itself in other ways as well, such as intense sexual fetishes for older human partners, recurring vampire nightmares, repeated self mutilation, and reckless behavior.
This emotional problem is not ONLY reserved for halflife vampires. It can also affect older vampires who may have crossed over in a much older era. So vampires who were turned many many decades or centuries ago, may find themselves stuck with a contemporary look or style from their era that they cannot chage. Some crossed over with ailments or injuries that did not repair themselves as they were born into darkness. They cannot cut or re-style their hair, the cannot gain or lose strength no matter how hard they work, they cannot lose their virginity again, nor can they heal anything that was broken or imperfect before their rebirth. Therefore, this creates heavy feelings of loss and remorse in many vampires, and how they deal with it, depends on the vampire itself.
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