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Date Posted: Sat August 28, 2010 18:05:10
Author: Comicality
Subject: Interesting answer...
In reply to: JohnD 's message, "Justin absolutley" on Sat August 28, 2010 00:49:16

Now one thing I've noticed, both in these andswers and a few emails I got on this idea, was the imbalance between both species.

One thing that I really wanted to do with "Crossroads" is show how both species were equal, but their motivations were very different, and often clash with one another.

Like, vampires are more...hmmm, I guess you could say 'conflicted'. Between being vampires and retaining their humanity. They can seduce you with their lonliness and their need for companionship. And while they are very strong, the very thing that makes them beautiful is their link to their humanity.

But with werewolves, the breakdown of that humanity is more the goal. To realize how 'broken' the concept of morality is. The wolves are wild, indulgent, fearless. To them...life is more about blindly giving into their impulses.

So I always thought of it in terms of knowledge versus power...and knowledge IS power...so they're both at a standstill. The wolves are far from being stupid animals, and the vampires are far from being emotionally weak. So I really want to take the best elements of both stories to a whole new level, with good guys and bad on both sides.

Wish me luck. Should be an interesting ride, this coming Friday....

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