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That story...was "Gone From Daylight".
Now, TEN anniversaries later, the "GFD" universe has grown so far above and beyond anything than I could have ever DREAMED that it still baffles me to this day! It has it's own website, its own fanfics, its own pictures and videos, its own LANGUAGE, its own Wiki site, it own spinoffs, and has been translated into at least 3 different languages online! And this is only the beginning! Because there are MORE surprises coming this year! Believe me! ::Wicked Grin:
This year...I bring you all the "30 Days Of Night" update for the "GFD: Blood Bank"!!! Brand NEW stories and sagas, all surrounding the "GFD" vampire series! New action, new romance, new surprises, new revelations...and a host of new vampire material and extras that will last the ENTIRE month of June!!!
Be ready! You won't want to miss a thing!
AND...the best part is...if any of you have any ideas at all, feel free to be a part of the celebration! "GFD" has become the biggest, most successful, story on the site, and it's all because of YOU guys!!! A decade later, we're still going strong! So if you've got anything to add to the site, now is the time! Because the Blood Bank is about to get FLOODED with new material! Enjoy! And I'll sezya soon!
The party starts June 1st! Be ready!!!!
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