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Date Posted: Mon November 24, 2008 21:49:14
Author: Erick
Subject: Hey! Glad you're actually interested!
In reply to: Irony 's message, "A previous Verzpertillio sentence..." on Mon November 24, 2008 20:44:25

Nouns are coming soon! Hehehe! I still gotta work a few grammatical kinks here and there with the nouns (they're not behaving with the rest of the language!) but for the most part grammar for nouns is set and I'll start putting noun vocab up here and there!

(But we'll also need adjectives and prepositions too! Which are on their way!)

To help you out with your question:

You got the first part right! "solove verzpeva" is indeed "I have spoken"!

And yes, "diertim" is the article "the" in the plural! (Also remember that "diertim" is the feminine form of the plural article, you'll understand why in a bit). BUT, we don't usually place an article before a verb in many European languages (as far as I've studied at least), you don't say "the reflect" in English, same thing with most Romance languages.

So what does this mean? Hehehe, "uzemae" is NOT a verb! Your first clue should be the verbal stem of "to reflect". Look at it carefully and you'll see that it ends in "uzemir-". AT THE VERY LEAST, the stem form will be present in the word in any form of conjugation and since you don't see the '-ir' part in "uzemae" you can safely say that it is not "to reflect" conjugated. Make sense? Now that you know, I'll tell you what it really is!

uzema (noun, feminine) --- "shadow" (interesting note: the particle 'uze' from both the noun and the verb "shadow" and "to reflect" DO share some phonological relationship; Vampires seemed to have taken the Latin word "umbra" meaning "shadow" very early in the development of the Verzpertillio language and incorporated it into the two words. Shadow being a 'reflection of unlight')

So now we have "diertim uzemae" meaning "the shadows". The noun is feminine so the article "the" must agree in gender and also since the noun is in the plural the article must also agree in number! Phew! Hehehe, I hope this makes sense!

Another thing that might help: You don't really pluralize verbs (again, at least in most European languages and in so far as I know, hehe) so this should be another clue telling you that "trazemae" should be a noun.

"vero" means "more": "vero saromae!" ("more boys!" see? Hehehe)

"trazem" (noun, masculine) --- "secret" (interesting note: the noun seems to have etymological traces meaning "behind" or "hidden behind you")

There are a few prepositions here, so I'll post some prepositions soon so you can figure this out! Hope this helps you understand it better! If not just bring out the whip again! Hehehe!

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