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But there are also 'other' rules that vampires are forced to lve by as well. Not for physical reasons...but 'political' reasons. Rules like not feeding on 'safeguarded' humans, or keeping your existence hidden from society's eyes, or giving away any of the many dark secrets that the vampire world holds. And these underground politics are handed down from the Elders. They're not 'elected' or voted for, and most times, vampires don't even know who these mysterious Elders ARE. But they are the highest ranking members of the vampire order, and if you disobey their personal laws or they consider you a threat...Hunters are sent out to 'take care' of the problem.
Does this particular system of nocturnal government work for you? What are your thoughts on this? How does it work, who set it up, is it the same in every city, every country? Hehehe, just make something up. How do you think it works? I'd be interested in hearing what you come up with! :)
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