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Date Posted: Mon August 18, 2008 04:18:41
Author: Comicality
Subject: A simple question. Do you believe?
Just a simple question for everyone that is reading this right now. The idea of vampires...creatures that live off of the blood and energy of the living to become immortal, has been a legend for centuries now. It still exists to this day. It never goes away.
Even in times when there was no internet, no phones, no communication between different languages and cultures whatsoever...these mysterious legends have popped up all over the world. In ancient Greece, ancient China, ancient Incan and Mayan cultures, in Africa, in Russia, in France...all stories that are startingly similar in their telling, with few variations. And right now, there are even societies online who claim to be the real thing.
When you really sit down and think about it...do you guys think it could ever be possible that the concept of 'vampires' could have some truth to it? That they could REALLY exist in some shape or form? "Gone From Daylight" is just my personal 'fictional' twist on the idea, as is any other vampire story from Brahm Stoker's "Dracula" to Anne Rice's "Interview With The Vampire". But, all fictional perspectives aside...do you 'believe'? Let us know!
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- No -- Neyah, Mon August 18, 2008 05:07:00
- Yep -- Lemons, Thu August 21, 2008 10:51:24
- yup -- Rayne, Sun August 31, 2008 23:20:24
- ii do! -- kam, Wed September 17, 2008 17:24:02
- circles..... -- Rayne, Sat September 20, 2008 20:34:03
awe :( -- kam, Sat September 20, 2008 23:43:13
- ::Giggles:: -- Comicality, Tue September 23, 2008 04:27:40
- ^-^ -- kam, Sat September 27, 2008 15:58:00
- oh geeze -- Rayne, Sat September 27, 2008 16:00:56
uh -- kam, Sat September 27, 2008 17:03:17
- Maybe -- Tiger, Mon September 22, 2008 03:04:47
i want to just toss this out there -- kam, Wed October 01, 2008 20:11:08