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That means, quite simply, having the ability to live forever. In the "GFD" series, a vast majority of vampires don't ever live to truly grasp the concept of eternity. Most lose their passion for life after 100 to 120 years in darkness. How much actual 'life' does life hold when you realize that you're no longer bound by the constant ticking of that mortal clock?
SOME vampires, however, live much longer, and become elders. Respected and feared by the rest of their species, as beings who have found the mystfying 'secret' to immortality. And have gone beyond the usual expiration date that so many other vampires fall victim too.
The question is....what do you think is the secret to living as an immortal? If you think you know, share it with the rest of us. And if you DON'T long do you think you'd be able to live as a vampire before life stopped holding its meaning, and you began to seach for a sun quest?
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