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Subject: Survivors on Port Au Prince

Patrick Horrigan
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Date Posted: 27/02/08 3:29am

The folks on this board have helped me out before so here I come cap in hand again

Yesterday I came into possesion of a letter written by my Uncle Patrick who was lost at sea in October 1942. He had written to his sister from Port Au Prince that his ship had been torpedoed and shelled and that he had spent the previous 13 days in a lifeboat with little food or water before being picked up by a passing ship and landed in Haiti. The letter was dated 27.6.42 . He also states that he was "lucky to escape with my life as only 16 has landed out of 83" . He had written the name of his ship in the letter but it was blanked out by censors, presumably. He said that the ship had been torpedoed twice.In a later letter he states that they had been on Haiti for 2 months before being shipped to New York.
Does anybody have an idea how I might be able to find the name of his ship?.....Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Survivors on Port Au PrinceRaymond Lloyd27/02/08 5:08pm
Re: Survivors on Port Au PrinceRay Buck28/02/08 9:21pm
Re: Survivors on Port Au PrinceVernon (Sorry! Patrick)29/02/08 5:47am
Re: Survivors on Port Au PrinceIan(Hoots)R88851329/02/08 12:47pm
Re: Survivors on Port Au Prince (Resolved)Patrick Horrigan 6/03/08 11:49pm

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