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Date Posted: 16:46:53 03/08/03 Sat
Author: FireStorm
Subject: advertising...
In reply to: Arore, owner 's message, "º pulls shoulders º" on 09:36:15 03/08/03 Sat

I've owned a few RPGs, all of which have been semi to extremely successful. One of my most successful one's (which isn't mine now) is The Travels. And my #1 strategy is advertising. You should create an interesting and gripping advertisment that makes people go 'hmm, I mine as well take a look at it'. Also idea is everything.

If you want good, original ideas wait until you think of them. I mean, I was sitting in my geometry class when I suddenly said 'hey, how would a realistic site go?'. Whenever you get an idea write it down, then when you look back at it grow on it. Branch out from it. Take something simple and general and brainstorm with it. It's important when you make a site to plan it out first, not just jump into it. It's like a school project, read the stupid books and find the damn information before the fun poster or mobile.

Another thing is visual. That's not so much layouts. I've seen a lot of sites with incredible layouts but they looked hideous otherwise. Reason: colors clashing. I find that black backround is a very popular backround -I'm using it myself. But! You might find that it wouldn't hurt to find some different color backrounds. If you work on it it will end up nice and professional looking. But don't make it anything too out there.

Those are my two cents. Basically if you ever get an idea, plan, or anything new in your head GO WITH IT! If someone every says 'no that's stupid' don't listen to them, because I'm sure the first person who created Roleplaying had his share of the critics.

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