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Subject: Re: How does this progressive discipline work

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Date Posted: 12:54:45 03/28/07 Wed
In reply to: co 's message, "How does this progressive discipline work" on 21:13:40 03/21/07 Wed

The Commissioner can order a hearing for anyone to consider taking disciplinary action against them. Generally it seems to be reserved for investigations/incidents that were handled at central office/internal affairs level rather than at the instituiton. As someone had posted earlier, super's like it when it goes to the Commissioner because then it's out of their hands all together. Some advice from someone who has been there-make sure you bring an attorney. And whether you support the current e-board or not, it is important that you notify them as well and keep them informed. The state will have their attorney there from HRD, so should you because there are a lot of civil service laws and rules of evidence involved the average person isn't aware of. Take good notes at your hearing so you have a record later of exactly what was said, who testified, etc. most important-hang tough. Most of it is a mental game to see how many headgames they can play with you-especially after the hearing, where you often wait weeks for a decision.

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Re: How does this progressive discipline work (NT)They will try to break you. Stay strong07:17:36 04/17/07 Tue

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