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Date Posted: 19:34:13 01/17/09 Sat
Author: Esmerelda
Subject: Re: Oh no!
In reply to: sparkle no spoiler for the ep. 's message, "Oh no!" on 14:36:06 01/17/09 Sat

I thought it was a mixed bag of an episode.

To get the main complaint out of they way, I'm sick of the mystical final five light show. The show runners seems to have decided to take 'All of this has happened before' as literal instead of figurative and I find it incredibly goofy and off putting. It detracts from the real world analogy that was the show's strength in the early seasons for me.

I'm underwhelmed by Ellen as the Final Cylon. I just don't care and don't see why anyone on the show apart from Tigh would care. It just convinces me that revealing Tigh and Cheif to be Cylons when they did was a mistake because I doubted they had the balls to make any character higher than the two of them Cylons.

Now on the the stuff I enjoyed. I thought Dee's death was incredibly moving and needed. There had to be something to hammer home just how devastating the loss of Earth is to these people. While I'm not thrilled at yet another woman being offed (and I really think it's time some of the secondary male characters started joining the body count)Dee's a natural choice. She's been there since the start, she's technically a member of the 'First Family' and she's well liked amonst the crew. Dee's death hurts. It especially hurts because she's always been so solid and dependable and *there*.

I thought McClure and Bamber (who was great through out IMO) did a fantastic job, in fact much better than they did when the characters were married. There were a couple of little things Dee did that really set the old eyes to water. In the first scene where she's talking to Lee and he says he couldn't have done it without her, her reply implies that he *will* be able to do it without her. The second was when she hung up her wedding ring making it clear that with the date she was saying her goodbye.

I enjoyed scientist!Baltar being back and found it interesting how easily and naturally he slipped back into the role.

I'm intrigued by Roslin's crisis of faith and thought McDonnell was excellent.

I've read a lot of anti-Adama sentiment on the net about how he made Dee's death all about him and I agree with that, he's being an asshole. I also found it brutal to watch though, especially the look on Lee's face when he leaves the morgue. Adama at this point has descened into alcoholism, it's not pretty, but it does feel very real to me. The counter to that is Tigh is being the voice of (mostly) sober reason. I've also seen a fair bit of Olmos is hamming it up criticism but I'm not sure I agree, he's acting like a sloppy drunk, I think that's the point.

I found Leoben freaking out amusing as is the fact he's seemingly not know what he was talking about at all.

And, last of all, I enjoyed the Kara and Lee scene at the end as it's the first time I think Kara's ever put her own bullshit aside to be there for someone else.

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[> I loved every minute of it. -- sparkle, 17:10:24 01/18/09 Sun [1]

I think these last 9 episodes are going to blow our minds.

"It's amazing, what Dee was doing, the whole time -- she was getting Apollo mentally and emotionally ready to withstand what she had decided to do." to quote someone from another forum. I really felt that impact. All of the actors should get awards for this damned show. It's odd...I was thinking the other day that Ellen would be the final 5, but then dismissed it since she was dead. Don't know how to explain that one, but I'm content with it. I don't even know where to go with the Kara issue. That's just insane.

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