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Date Posted: 19:49:55 06/18/07 Mon
Author: Lindiane
Subject: Peer Editing to Caroline

Songs in classroom

Mary is an English teacher who not often prepares her classes. When she has an “extra time” in her classes, she plays some songs. She gave Wvt the lyrics to students and that’s all. It is Wvt something wrong, right? The majority of English teachers act Wvt like Mary, they use songs as enterneinment Ww and is not only that R. Teachers should use songs not only enterteinment Ww. Songs can be worked though different purposes inside a classroom.
First, teachers should explores Wvt the background of the song. Explain why the song has written Wvt , bios of any real people mentioned in a song, the period in history and events that are mentioned, and the life of the songwriter R. Doing this students read not only didactic texts but also “real” ?? texts.
Using songs to teach commands to students its Wvt also a very good strategy. For example, if students are children, the teacher can play a song that contains “stand up” and tell the students to stand up and do what the song asks them to do. Doing this children internalize the commands in English and start to use these new vocabulary.
The third one ?? is use the songs to help students to develop skills. They listen to the song, write sentences that are missing and after all they re-tell what the song say. This is a different kind of task, which students enjoy more.
The last one is show Wvt the cultural differences in songs to students. For example, show Wvt the different accents in songs sang by Shakira, Celine Dion, Avril Lavigne and Beyonce. Teacher can present the different background of these singers, Shakira is Colombian, Celine Dion and Avril Lavigne are Canadian and Beyonce is American, however her English represent the black people from U.S // . All these singers develop the English with one goal: to communicate. Even with different accents, different culture they use English to communicate with people through their songs.
In conclusion, songs can be used in different situations inside a classroom. Teachers can include lyrics in any part of the class and using this the class can be more interesting and enjoyable for both teachers and students.

Dear Caroline,

Your ideas are very good! I enjoyed a lot reading your text! Quite interesting! However, there are some aspects that need to be revised, ok?! I think you communicate what you want. I mean, I could understand your ideas in your text.
In addition, your subject is also quite good. In relation to the aspects, I advise you to explain more some elements that you put in your text. For example, it is when you say; “Beyonce is American, however her English represent the black people from U.S” and “…didactic texts but also “real”” What do you mean by “real”?! I could understand, but this idea needs to be more explained, ok?! Another thing is when you say; “The third one ?? is use the songs to help students to develop skills.” Where are the first and the second one idea? Summing up, I believe you did a good job, ok?! As I have said your text and your ideas are quite good!

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