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Date Posted: 05:55:38 06/19/07 Tue
Author: Rodrigo
Subject: Peer Editing to Daniela

Learning a second language: a very hard task

It is believed that we should know, at least, one second language nowadays because of the process known as globalization that happens all over the world. The knowledge of another tongue is also very important, for instance, to be employed, in the studies and in many other situations, too [CONSIDER REVISION OF THIS SENTENCE]. According to Katie Spanuello, “Knowing another language opens doors into a foreign culture that remain closed without the access that language offers” (Indiana State University, 2005). However, knowing a foreign language is a very hard task.

There are some problems that the student of a second language has to face. One of them is related to the phonetics of a non-native language, which is, according to many people, the most difficult part of the process of learning. To speak fluently and to understand all the sounds, the correct pronunciation and intonation of words and sentences is necessary to travel abroad and stay there some time to be exposed to the language and culture and to be among native speakers. This is a common fact that makes the studies become more difficult because lots of money is [WW] likely to be spent on it.

“Anxiety in the foreign language classroom (anxiety about making mistakes in grammar and pronunciation, about understanding the teacher, about remembering vocabulary) [SUGESTION 1] has been prominent as a purported cause of the failure,” said Robin L. Schwarz [SUGESTION 2] (LD Online – Learning Disabilities and Foreign Language Learning), in relation to the language learning failure. This failure can also occur due to other factors, such as lack of effort, lack of motivation, poor language learning habits and low ability in language learning. Besides, a lot of dedication and will are needed to learn more and more. As a consequence, a great number of people give up after having studied during few years.

To sum up, whether someone wants to communicate with people from other countries, become proficient in a foreign language, be well employed and be integrated in the globalization process, they must be very committed to deal with the problems and difficulties that involve the learning of a second language. Another important thing is begin the study of the foreign language as early as possible and pursue it for many years in order to achieve higher levels of proficiency.


Katie Spanuello. Indiana State University, 2005.
http://web.indstate.edu/news/news.php?newsid=813 (June 12, 2007 – 19:00h)

Robin L. Schwarz. LD Online – Learning Disabilities and Foreign Language Learning.
http://www.ldonline.org/article/6065 (June 12, 2007 – 19:30h)

Hi, Dani,

I liked so much text. Just few improvements and my opinion should be used:

* I understand your Thesis Statement but you should try to clarify more your Thesis Statement.

* In [SUGESTION I] and [SUGESTION II] in my opinion, you should try to rephrase the parenthesis and append then to the paragraph. The way you done it is correct but you can add more standard to your text if you apply this concept.

Good Job and until next class!

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