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Date Posted: 18:00:59 06/19/07 Tue
Author: Ana Karla de Souza Pimenta Domingos (task 4)
Subject: peer editing to Yuri

Reading lessons

Part of the language learning improvement comes from reading, text lessons offers activities on vocabulary, pronouciation and structure. These are some activities that help students in language learning process. Another valuable purpose of foreing language class is make students read for meaning. However a few number of teacheres focus their work on this purpose. More important than understand the language through the message, it is understand the message through the language. Teachers must train students to develop a critical and reflective reading. In this way students who recognise texts with a meaning present a better learning process and are more motivated.
In a reading lesson, the choice of the texts is very important. It is necessary the use of texts that every native language speaker is used to read. It could be from a newspaper, a magazine, for example, an can it be from the most different categories, texts to inform, to describe some fact or simply to entertain. Using these real texts, teachers bring the reality to the student and become easy the understanding of the text. Sometimes, principally in the beginnig, may be necessary to modify the language to the level of the students. It can facilitate the process of conveyance the message from the text. Then the aim of the work in class is to extract the message content in the text, learners will work beyond the language explict viewed in the text. They will recognise, think and discuss about the messages in the text.
A great point to use reading lessons in classroom is the opportunity to create naturally collaborative work and discussion in classroom. Most of the time when teachers announce a work group or a debate in class, students generally disperse the purpose of the work in group and they are afraid of speak in a debate because of the evaluation. So when a tacher give a text from a magazine not every student will understand the whole article so they can talk to each other and explain what they have understood from the text, it creates a naturall work group. And later on this text may come up a discussion in class where everyone may give his opnion or relate it to a personal fact.
As learners get familiar with reading lessons, they will achieve several goals directly and indirectly. They will improve a very needed ability in a language student, the autonomy. Reading is a personal activity, it is more learnt than taught, so students need to take charge of this process, it increases their level of autonomy that may be transfered to another areas in learning process. It can not be discarted that students will learn some or various language structures reading texts, this learning will be a consequence of being able to analyse texts, this is a incidental benefit. Another important characteristic developed by reading is the ability of understanding what is going on in their minds. Learners start to comprehend when they don not uderstand something and look for alternatives to improve it. They become conscious readers, this ability is known as metacognition.
Working with reading lessons is not simple because teachers are not very familiar to it and it may be a very delicate process. But it is a essencial task for teachers to achieve, they will promote a chance for the student to enjoy and be confortable with reading besides the possibility of adequate understanding of the message in the text. After a while students will be able to read foreing language texts and recognise their own purposes, respond to the necessities that each texts demands and learners will became reflective readers, who go beyond the text, see what is between the lines and work with it.

Your text is well written , I didn't find many mistakes.
You give support to your ideas , the conclusion is clear and the text is well organized.
*an: and
* I think mainly would be a better choice than principally, but principally is ok too

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