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Date Posted: 13:35:52 02/10/08 Sun
Author: Uno Hu
Subject: Re: SAVE CORTES ISLAND !!!!
In reply to: Dupree 's message, "SAVE CORTES ISLAND !!!!" on 12:00:30 02/10/08 Sun

Extremely well stated and accurate too. I've been telling them the same thing for a decade and hardly anyone clued in. Unfortuantely it is too late. It was saveable until just a few years ago.

The most important loss is local culture. It takes a long time to unlearn the city enough to comprehend how invaluable trust and independence that built over decades of semi isolation is in places like Cortes. And how easily and quickly it can be destroyed by urban distrust and dependence when the intake of urban mindedness is too rapid.

I've been writing about this, mostly about what went wrong and why, and expect to have it finished soon (weeks, not days).

In the meantime I'll watch with interest to see how people react and contribute.

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