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Date Posted: 07:59:48 02/11/08 Mon
Author: Dupree
Subject: We're Not Alone...
In reply to: Uno Hu 's message, "Re: SAVE CORTES ISLAND !!!!" on 13:35:52 02/10/08 Sun

Most of the other gulf islands are even farther down the curve than us. We've boasted about the mythical "Cortes Lifestyle" for too long and have killed the golden goose. Whatever that lifestyle was it's fragile and is easily steamrolled over by newbies, their developments and increasing demands for services. The original Cortesians were independent and self-reliant. Now everybody is dependent on the Superstore in C.R. and that blasted ferry. The best thing to save what's left of cortes would be to get rid of the ferry entirely...as if that's ever going to happen. I hate sounding negative about this issue but I think the cat's out of the bag. Our much-vaulteed community plan hasn't saved Cortes and just look at Quadra's latest plan....smaller lots and subdivisions which will just result in easy profits for landowners...not more affordable housing. Anyways, Quadra is certainly not Cortes but eventually the same pressures will intensify on us. To me it seemed as if a lot of people moved to Cortes to escape the city. Then they all had kids and wanted more of the city here like the skate-park. That was an appalling waste of money. why we needed it is beyond me. And those people who are aging now want a senior center. For heaven's sake grow up and leave the island. I'm not trying to be mean but if you cannot live independently anymore then Cortes Island is not the place for you. Incrimentally this place is turning into a small town or a city suburb. Irreversible changes have already taken place. Too bad for Cortes......

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