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Date Posted: 12:47:28 02/11/08 Mon
Author: Island Report (Good Neighbours Eh!)
Subject: Whaletown Realtor Signs Papers to Force Heritage Cabin Demolition

A Whaletown Realtor who took over for David Smith(now deceased)apparently cancelled the planned lot line adjustment to correct a historical error where 2sq m of a historical cabin were over the line. The error was mapped out using modern survey equipment during a recent major subdivision by LUBOMIR Janda and his wife.

The Summons filed in court along with the realtors affidavit demands "that newly updated zoning setbacks apply". The Cabin will have to be bulldozed or have the protruding corner Chain sawed off. There is insufficient space or drivable road access to move the cabin and comply with the bizzare demands.

The Developer granted a useless easement to access the property to a hazardous cliff high above the dwelling and is further demanding the resident quit using the Historical Whaletown Bay foreshore trail that's been used to access the property for decades.

The owner has stated they would rather chainsaw the corner off the old cabin to the legally granfathered lotline and cover the opening with a Big FU plywood patch for all to see.

Welcome to Cortes People. Home of A-hole Realtors and Developers.

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