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Date Posted: 17:53:23 02/15/08 Fri
Author: Island Report ((Good Neighbours Na!))
Subject: Motorized Couch leaves Cortes Island

The Island is sad to see the Famous Motorized Couch Family Don Malcom n Delores Broten leave Cortes. Apparently getting in and out of the Motorized Couch daily was too hard for Dons Back.

Living 2 decades just 1/4 mi from the Whaletown post office Don n Delores had to drive their Motorized Couch to pick up the daily mail. What's easily a 5 min walk or 2 min bike ride for the average person concerned about the environment. Took only 30sec for Don n Deloris. Whats Bizzare is Don Malcom and Delores Broten Produce the environmental save the world publication "The Watershed Sentinel". Collecting wads of money pretending to save the environment.

Selling their Property on Cortes they dumped a nasty environmental mess on the new first time homebuyers who were forced to install a real septic system to qualify for a morgtage. (none existed) The Brotens retired to Comox counting the loot they've acquired "Saving The World". Is it a better place now? Sure is.... there gone finally.

Funny Delores Stated in 1990 She'd quit driving an Acid Rain Machine (Auto) if someone else did first. What happened??

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