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Date Posted: 17:49:25 02/26/08 Tue
Author: Bub (I Got The Facts)
Subject: Re: whaletown park again
In reply to: getthefactsright 's message, "Re: whaletown park again" on 09:05:36 02/26/08 Tue

If renewal dedicated whaletown commons as park the cost of each lot at siskin lane would increase by $30,000.

Not true you'd have an extra 50 acres of forest to manage and harvest. Joel Solomon agreed that value added forest products from ecoforestry could easily have repaid the entire land purchase cost over time.

The community has no claim in transactions in which it was not involved.

The Community WAS involved and was duped into believing sustainable forestry and silviculture jobs would continue on the protected forest areas. Now its a 50 year freeze on cutting even a single tree.

And renewal really did operate without profit. They disclosed their finances and the results speak for themselves.

The entire Working Forest to Housing conversion at Siskin lane was a "for profit enterprise". Renewal Land Corporation was the adminstration tentacle of the octopus handing out the profits to those involved. Everyone profited the Financiers , Realtors ,Roadbuilders, surveyors, consultants, and the list goes on. The Octopus Doled Out the profits.The bankers behind the Renewal scam will continue to profit for many years.

The community has a lasting claim over those lands.

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