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Date Posted: 07:25:23 03/04/08 Tue
Author: Asshole
Subject: Takes 1 To Know 1 !!!
In reply to: Stan Oliver 's message, "Re: Why Say Yes ???" on 21:34:30 03/03/08 Mon

Hey, you started ranting like an A-hole so expect tit-4-tat !!! I got nothing against you except you haven't given one reason why we should welcome a geoduck industry to Cortes. Just vague things about jobs. And if you aren't ever going to work in the aquaculture industry why on earth do you support and promote it ?!?! I'm merely saying that that's what ruins a place. Just look at the changes that have happenned in the last 10-20 years. At this rate we'll be like Saltspring in no time. Cortes was setled by rugged individualists who didn't need "jobs", welfare, U.I. or handouts from "angels." I don't like the way Cortes is going. Too much change too fast...and I've never worked on a million dollar home...just trying to keep my own 650 sq. ft. shack from falling down.
And I don't see why I should use my real name just so I can be attacked by the likes of you. It's ideas that count, not individual people. If you like my ideas, great...if not...great. Cheers Stan !;)

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