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Date Posted: 09:46:13 03/16/08 Sun
Author: Anonamouse
Subject: Sorry...But Nope !
In reply to: Eco Ethics 's message, "Re: Not A Long Way Off" on 18:26:57 03/12/08 Wed

"Douglas fir will not reseed itself itself inside a closed forest canopy."
Too true but we're talking about clearcuts here. I live on what was once a clearcut (not replanted) and there are many douglas firs that naturally reseeded. while the alders grow and die, the Doug firs have lots of time to get their roots well established.
"If you collect seeds from the surounding forest to replant it will be geneticaly identical to the natural forest."
Not true. Only clones are genetically identical to the parent plants. And the seedlings for tree-planting come from a relative few parent trees so you get less genetic diversity.
"Alders only grow in limited places usually where the soil is already high in nitrogen and there's lots of moisture."
In one word, bullshit ! Lots of moisture and nitrogen in swampland on Cortes and guess what ? Alders won't grow there. But on cleared land without much soil they grow quite well. Just look around Cortes !!! And contrary to your opinion, thinning is already practiced and should be practiced more to ensure a healthy forest.
And you comparison to gardens & fruit-trees is irrelevant. Those plants are not indigenous and obviously can't compete with the natural forest cover. You have to give these plants specialized contitions to get optimal growth.
And one more thing. The Geoduck industry has not yet been given the go-ahead on Cortes and hopefully fo the sake of the subtidal zone it won't. Get a real job K ???? One that doesn't degrade Cortes or the natural world on it and around it.

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