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Date Posted: 19:56:13 07/12/08 Sat
Author: Irishmama
Subject: There was a long (and rather nasty) thread on one of the boards about the boys outfits at Nationals. I really cant believe the nerve of some people...

Someone actually insinuated that only a "certain type" of boy will wear a glitzy costume.(While I would love my son, no matter "what type of boy" he was),I think this is ridiculous!! Some young men want to be conservative, and that is just fine. Others are more daring-like my ds. He likes to be just a little "on the edge". He is totally all boy and would never wear his costume out of the stage arena, but there, it seems natural to him. He does do his own thing, even at school. He puts various colors in his hair daily-it is his way of expressing himself! I guess I just wonder if any other of the dancing boys feel the same.

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[> I would have to agree - my son hates the glitz BUT also realizes that a certain amount of glitz is what gets you noticed and is "the look" - so he requested it. Staging is staging and in a performance art, you have to provide the whole package. I love to see the boys with enough self-confidence to just put it all out there -- real boys can wear glitz too, 20:47:12 07/12/08 Sat [1]

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[> I may be totally wrong here but was that the thread which was about make up and tanner on boys. -- inside, 06:57:35 07/13/08 Sun [1]

I have a small boy who loves the glitz and has been "cutting edge" since he was a beginner. But having said that I do think there is a look that is beginning to start among the boys. There is definitely make-up and eyeliner and for some tanner- you can see the orange. It is sad that it is becoming less masculine (I really do think so having watched nearly every boys competition on different days). The girls dancing is more athletic now and there were some boys up on their toes. I know things evolve over time and go a full circle but one of the things I liked about ID before my son became involved was the powerful dancing of the men. Honestly I think the girls take that place now.

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[> [> I do recall that thread, but the one that I was talking about was on the Main ID board. No mention of makeup, just a discussion of costumes.No makeup or tanner for us. LOL-tanner..my sons dark asian skin looks like the natural kind.! -- Irishmama, 07:51:36 07/13/08 Sun [1]

Most activities that take place on a stage advacate the use of glitzy costumes, etc. Maybe even makeup for the gents??? Personally, my ds would never wear makeup.

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[> My son dislikes the glitz as well but is reluctantly doing the bare minimum to get noticed. -- Mom of ds, 08:49:04 07/14/08 Mon [1]

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[> Other than some gel in their hair and bling on the vests, I really didn't see much over-the-top for the boys. It does seem to be the trend. -- more inside, 09:29:16 07/14/08 Mon [1]

One of my sons LOVES the bling. Not because he is gay (not that I would care) but because he loves the attention. That is what he loves about dance - being on stage in the center of attention with the girls telling him how cute he is! My other son doesn't give a hoot what he wears any day, any time, on stage or off.

Judging a boys sexuality because of what he wears is as ridiculous as judging it because he dances. If he move his feet this way to play soccer, he is hetersexual. If he move his feet this way to dance, he is gay? Please. That is just ignorant.

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[> [> I have to say I dislike the term "real boy". They're all our real boys and it goes without saying they're much loved regardless of orientation. -- Let them wear what they want, whether conservative or "blinged-up". Glad to see the numbers staying up as they get older, they're great to watch., 11:13:57 07/14/08 Mon [1]

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[> [> [> I was the one who said "real boy" and I certainly meant no offencse - just that real boys are boys and they like all sorts of things - has absolutely nothing to do with orientation, which is a ridiculous discussion to start with and has NOTHING to do with dance - simply meant boys are boys -- and each are individuals, 19:05:35 07/14/08 Mon [1]

this arena is not a place for any discussion of "orientation" -

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[> [> [> [> but your reference to "real boys" did raise another discussion-it is completely derogotory towards males who may have differing perceptions of their genders-biologically they are real boys-such a stupid label -- and very offensive/judgemental, 05:58:59 07/16/08 Wed [1]

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[> [> I didn't think anyone in this thread was judging. I thought everyone who posted here was just making comments on the trends -- actually, 14:26:53 07/14/08 Mon [1]

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[> [> [> I think that the OP was not talking about this board, but another thread on the Main ID board a few weeks ago. -- We are usually nice here, 05:41:04 07/16/08 Wed [1]

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[> [> [> [> I wasn't talking about the OP or this board I was referring to the poster who in their text mentioned judging. I was pointing out that there had not been any judging going on here. -- see inside., 11:03:10 07/16/08 Wed [1]

"Judging a boys sexuality because of what he wears is as ridiculous as judging it because he dances. If he move his feet this way to play soccer, he is hetersexual. If he move his feet this way to dance, he is gay? Please. That is just ignorant" - this was the text I was referring to.

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