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Date Posted: 21:39:21 01/11/09 Sun
Author: mom
Subject: My son is 10 and (more inside)
In reply to: see inside first reply 's message, "Need advice...ds is U9 novice. He's a wonderful little dancer, but doesn't want anyone at school to know..." on 07:15:48 01/11/09 Sun

used to live in fear of being "found out" the funny thing was, all of his good buddies know and don't think a thing about his dancing. Now that kids have started to take on the "bully" roles at school, that didn't seem to exist in the younger grades, these are the ones he worries about. We have worked with him to not so much care what other people think but to get him to realize what he thinks is the mkost important thing. If he believes there is something wrong with this, then of course they will. If he is OK with it and projects that, then even better. It is still a touchy subject but he is starting to get over the worry. He has a friend that does non-irish dancing and he had a few girls from school in his class. He just asked them not to say anything and guess what, they never did!

Maybe it isn't the best approach but I have tried to remind him, in a funny way, that all kids have a "thing" they may not want others to know about.....for some it is scouting (believe it or not!), for others it is being the shortest one in class or the tallest or whatever! Life is about being who you are and what better time to learn that lesson now. I hope he sticks with it, be it a secret or not.

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[> [> Very sage advice indeed. So many kids have that "thing" they don't want others to know about - and if we all knew each others, we likely would realize how much more alike we are !! -- --, 05:25:45 01/12/09 Mon [1]

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