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Date Posted: 06:37:27 03/27/09 Fri
Author: Michael
Subject: Re: A day at the office
In reply to: rana 's message, "Re: A day at the office" on 05:44:40 03/26/09 Thu

She sounds quite fascinating....from a safe distance! Im guessing her popularity wont last tool long. If she is nice to people's faces but rude behind their backs she will gradually get caught out as the comments get repeated, passed around, overheard, surely.

You should keep a scorecard, and note when each person stops calling!

If you have to ask for a partition, Id ask for a complete wall!

One of the joys of working in an open plan office is you get to 'share' with others...the neurotic, manic, gossipy, air-heads, smelly, noisy, etc etc.

I enjoyed my year working in the open plan office in the main office, the people were great, we could have a laugh, but they were also hard workers - a tricky balance. It was only at one of the other offices I sometimes had to work that i had a problem with the lady who insisted on having the radio on.

>(makes you wonder why..surely
>>there are plenty of people with basic computer skills.
>>Is she pretty, by any chance? Related to anyone in the
>>company?) forgive me, but I dont suppose one of the
>>Directors also had to leave early that day?
>Funny you should say that.
>This lady (BTW, she's 50) keeps giving me advices
>“from my experience”, she says. The most important
>advice she gives me is that people like us (her and
>me) should do more work, put more efforts and be
>careful not to make any mistakes "because we do not
>wear short skirts" she says. "Do not expect anybody to
>stand up for us, just our good work can keep us here,
>unlike those lazy chicks who are only here because of
>their "special favors" .
>She is quite convinced that she is brilliant, she asks
>me at least 5 or 6 times a day if I have noticed how
>hard she is working, how many tasks she “managed” to
>do and how demanding her boss is.... Actually, not
>only to me, but just to everybody.. she always inserts
>the word "managed" before she lists the "huge"
>achievements of her day.. she says “I managed to get
>the fax number of Mr. x and got that fax sent to him”
>where all she has to do is pick up the phone and ask
>him what his fax number is.
>Whenever she asks me one of these "basic" questions,
>she would say.. “oh.. I used to know how to do it..
>but, you know, in my previous job I had a secretary
>who did them for me, so I forgot. ..
>I asked to have a partition put between our two desks,
>I told her I am being distracted by the people coming
>to her for questions (she took it as part of how busy
>and hardworking she is) but apparently I will need the
>approval of the GM to have that done. In the meantime,
>I am thinking of the headphone solution ..
>But I have to say she is a nice lady, very sweet
>tongue, and I think that this, and being talented at
>marketing herself are what got her the job. She is
>very sociable and very talkative. Although she is
>relatively new in the office, people are stopping by
>to ask her about her mother's arthritis and whether or
>not her daughter's teacher changed her attitude after
>she called her... people who I hardly know their
>names.. or they mine.. she is now friends with
>everybody ..
>She speaks good about me to other people when I am
>around, but I am not sure whether that applies also in
>my absence because she criticises everybody in their
>absence.. she never speaks of anybody (and she is
>always speaking to or about somebody) without
>inserting something like (fat, dirty, lazy, dummy,
>retarded) before she says what she has to say, and of
>course she doesn't forget to compare that person to
>her "talented" self.
>>I think you need to ask someone in the company about
>>giving this poor newcomer some basic training. Lets
>>face it, if you dont talk to someone about her you
>>will probably kill her before next week is out! Its
>>the kinder option
>>Its not your fault, and actually its not hers either -
>>someone employed her (makes you wonder why..surely
>>there are plenty of people with basic computer skills.
>>Is she pretty, by any chance? Related to anyone in the
>>company?) forgive me, but I dont suppose one of the
>>Directors also had to leave early that day?
>>The company should have some basic training.
>>Otherwise, can you get your desk moved? Perhaps speak
>>to your boss - its his/her work that is being
>>adversely affected.
>>Otherwise, i can only guess the best alternative
>>(which I had to employ once) is to put headphones in
>>your ears and say 'Do not disturb me at all today -
>>unless the office is on fire' I did have the earpieces
>>plugged in to an mp3, but not switched on. Blessed

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