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Date Posted: 12:40:44 09/10/10 Fri
Author: Iteo
Subject: Re: Name of new forum
In reply to: Iteo 's message, "Name of new forum" on 11:38:00 09/10/10 Fri

So far Tina and Martin have weighed in via Facebook. Martin liked pmexiles.com, but was open to Tina's idea of having a completely new name.

Tina's view is that no one else will join if it is linked to the old postmaster - that it will seem like a clique. I agree with that idea, but here's the thing, and it might be a deal breaker to some (especially Tina, but I hope not).

I wasn't planning on this being an open forum for any and all to join. I was intending it to be private and by invite only.

The only reason for this is thanks to restrictive copyright laws (which are literally changing and getting more restrictive by the minute).

The problem is that if anyone can join and post anything, this opens me up to copyright infringement and the possibility of being sued.

I visit GLP forums every day and here's what's been happening to them:

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1181431/pg1">http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1181431/pg1</a>

This Righthaven corp doesn't even send a cease and desist letter - they instantly sue. And there are others doing the same thing.

GLP has lots of funds and a team of lawyers and moderators to fight this type of action. I cannot afford this.

The sad fact is, "free speech" isn't so free anymore. So, to protect myself, the forum would need to be private and by invite only. This way, any copyright infringement cannot be found on Google and it will be easier for me and others to moderate to ensure that copyright infringement isn't happening.

So admittedly, the forums might be boring in that way. I saw it mainly as a way to stay in touch, share the happenings in our lives. And as it grows (or if it grows), we might get into some nice debates.

With this understood, are you still interested?

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