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Date Posted: 07:35:48 11/18/07 Sun
Author: Rhylie
Subject: Re: New day....New horses....
In reply to: Rhylie 's message, "Re: New day....New horses...." on 19:10:15 10/28/07 Sun

Rhylie pulls her truck and empty trailer into her driveway. She backs the trailer into it's spot the turns off the ignition. She steps out and walks up to Harmony and Moon. She rubs Harmony on the head then clips a lead rope on her halter and leads her, while Moon follows, to a small pasture. Rhylie unclips the lead and latches the gate then walks up to Ransom who is going nuts for his mother. She calms him down the leads him to one of the stallion pens. Since he is a 3 year old stallion, he can't be put with the mares and fillies. Rhylie unclips the lead and latches the gate before going back to the barn. Once at the barn, she leads all the stallions to their own seperate pens and the mares into the mare pasture next to Harmony's. Rhylie walks back up to the barn and starts cleaning the stalls and buckets. She looks at her watch when she's done. "11:30." she tells herself. She walks to the house and gets greeted by her 3 dogs. Once inside, Rhylie makes herself a pb&j sandwitch and sits down on the couch, turning on the tv as she does. She goes to the guide and turns the channel to a movie on HBO. She sits watching the movie and enjoying her lunch while her dogs lay at her feet.......

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