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Date Posted: 18:44:53 11/22/07 Thu
Author: Rhylie
Subject: Re: Rhylie? Wanna hang out?
In reply to: Mikalah 's message, "Re: Rhylie? Wanna hang out?" on 10:56:32 11/13/07 Tue

Rhylie leaves them to talk for a few minues. Her cell starts ringing so she answers it. "Hello?" she says.

"Rhylie. You need to get here quick! Something happened at the show and Blake is hurt. Can you get here?" Ryan tells her.

"Oh my god. I'll be there in a few minutes." she tells him then hangs up the phone. She walks back over to Jamie and Mikalah. "I'm sorry guys, but I have to run. Ryan and Ricky took a few horses to a show and, somehow, Blake got hurt. I don't know how bad it is, but I have to go. I'm really sorry." With that, she runs to her truck and drives off....

Rhylie arrives at the show grounds about 10min after she left the house. She stops the truck and steps out. She can see a crowd around the trailer and she quickly runs over. Ryan and Ricky meet Rhylie and led her over to the big, grullo stallion. He is laying down and Rhylie can see two huge wounds on him. One's on his chest and the other's on the side he's not laying on. "What happened?!" she yells to Ryan while sitting down and craddling Blake's head in her lap. He's breathing normal and keeps trying to get up, but they hold him down.

"He was standing over here and all of a sudden, he started freaking out. He kept rearing up and slaming into the trailer. We ran over as fast as we could and untied him. We started walking him and noticed he was limping. He had cut into his leg so we called the vet because it was a pretty good cut." Ryan says pointing to his left front leg. "Then someone came by with another stallion and you know how studs are. They started fighting, but we got them apart quick. Blake was favoring his leg even more after that, so we tied him back up, standing beside him of course, and that same someone brought that stud back by here again. Blake went nuts and that's when he cut his chest and side. We untied him and layed him down then called you. I'm so sorry, Rhylie. He was fine until he started rearing at the trailer. He won all his classes, too. I think that's why that person brought that stud over because Blake was beating his stud." Ryan explains and puts a hand on her shoulder.

Rhylie starts crying and rubbing Blake. She looks up only when the vet arrives. "Please help him?" she says then looks back down at Blake.

The vet looks at Blake then at Ryan and Ricky with an, 'I'm sorry' expression. They get Blake to his feet and the vet exaimines him. Blake's not baring weight on his leg at all and the vet takes x-rays. Rhylie stands holding the halter and soothing Blake the entire time. The vet turns to her and says, "Rhylie. I'm sorry this had to happen. Blake was an amazing horse that would do anything for his rider. He has a broken cannon bone and we normaly put the horse down. We would be able to treat everything else, but this is something that could make him be in pain the rest of his life. He might be able to walk, but most likely he'll limp around in pain an dnot be able to be ridden by anyone. If you want, I'll put him down now or we could wait until you got him home."

Rhylie starts crying even harder with the news that they can't save him. "I don't want him to be in pain. I'll take him back to the ranch then you can put him down." she says through her tears. "Ricky, will you load the others so I can load him?"

Ricky loads the two mares then Rhylie walks Blake in. He won't bare weight on the leg so he hops into the trailer. She leaves him untied, so he can lay down if he wants, then closes the doors. She walks to her truck and follows the trailer home...

Once at home, Rhylie runs over to the trailer and opens the doors. Blake's laying down so she walks in and neals beside him. She gets him onto his feet then walks him ot of the trailer and up to his field. He limps all the way there. The vet follows her and watches as she gentely lays him down. He walks up to Blake with his needle ready and does what needs to be done. Rhylie sits on the ground, craddling his head and talking to him the whole time. She cries harder when he stops breathing and everything goes silent. Ryan and Ricky put the two mares out to pasture then walks up to Rhylie. She sits with Blake for a half hour before getting up and walking away from his lifeless body. Ricky had already called for someone to come and berry him and they were just getting there. Rhylie watches as they put her beloved horse into the ground and cover him up with dirt. She turns and walks to the house and straight to her room. There, she lays down onto her bed and starts crying even more until she falls asleep....

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