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Date Posted: 19:43:00 09/17/07 Mon
Author: Rhylie
Subject: Jodie....

They pull up to the house and once the truck has stopped, Rhylie steps out and goes straight to the front door to unlock it. "They're not here yet, so if you wanted to go inside and wait for them, that would be ok." she says then gets a call on her cell. "Hello? Where are you? I thought you said you would be here at noon. Ok. I'll see you when you get here." She hangs up the phone and looks at Jodie. "Brothers. *rolls eyes* No offense." she says looking at Jake. "They said they'll be here in about 30 minutes. Hope that's ok?" Rhylie opens the door for everyone to go in and Crimson, Cosmo, and Kyla greet everyone. "Go ahead and make yourselves at home. Can I get you guys anything? Drinks? Something to eat?" she asks before steping into the kitchen. She comes back into the room and sits inbetween Jake and Jodie with drinks for everyone. A butler comes out of the kitchen with a huge plate full of food and offers it to everyone then sets it down on the table in front of them. "Yeah. I think I forgot to tell you. My family's rich." Rhylie says when she sees everyone looking at her.

***30 minutes later***

A truck and trailer pull up outside and 2 guys climb out. "They're here! Finally." Rhylie says and heads for the door. She leads everyone over to the 2 guys. "Jodie, Jake, Lawrence, these are my brothers, Ryan and Ricky." After introducing everyone, Rhylie heads for the back of the trailer, eger to see her other horses. A guy steps out from behind the trailer, making Rhylie jump. She realizes who it is and runs up and gives him a huge hug. "I can't believe you're here! I missed you." she says finally pulling away. "Jake, Jodie, Lawrence, this is my best friend, Ryan. He's been in Canada for 3 months and I haven't had the chance to see him." Rhylie looks at her brothers. "Shall we unload these babies?" she says before unlatching the door.

First off the trailer is Dream an 8y/o, red dun overo, Miniature, mare: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Next is Cyclone a 2y/o, blue grullo, QH, mare: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Next is Firefly a 2y/o, dun, Kiger Mustang, mare: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Next is Rain a 3y/o, bay, Arabian, mare: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Next is Mya a 9y/o, light bay, Belgian, mare: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Then Blake an 8y/o, grullo, BS Paint, stallion: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And last, but not least, Outlaw a 5y/o, bay pinto, Belgian, stallion: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Once they're all in a stall, Rhylie, Ryan, Ryan, and Ricky walk inside with Jodie, Jake, and Lawrence. Ryan, Rhylie's best friend, walks up to Lawrence and Jake. "I've seen you eyeing Rhylie. Do you like her?" he asks them curious.

Ryan and Ricky walk over to where the 3 guys are standing. "Hey. What's all this talk about Rhylie?" Ricky asks.

Rhylie takes Jodie up to her room to chat while the guys talk downstairs. "So what do you think of the horses? I was thinking about selling a few to be able to breed. What do you think?"

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