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Date Posted: 20:28:17 09/23/07 Sun
Author: Rhylie
Subject: Going for a ride.....

It's 5:00 pm. Rhylie jogs out to the barn and opens the big sliding doors. A harmony of whinnies greet her as she walks in. "Hello everyone," she says and rubs them all on the face. She feeds them and once they're done she asks, "Ok, so who wants to go riding?" She walks over to Blake's stall and places a halter on him. She leads him out and ties him at the washrack. He stretches out his neck as she starts grooming him. "That feels good, doesn't it boy?" She quickly tacks him up and walks him to the arena. "Ok. Here we go, Blake." she swings into the western saddle and warms him doing figure-eights, serpintenes, circles, flexing ect. Once he has gotten soft and supple in her hands, she starts working on Reining exercises.
~30min. later~
Rhylie cools Blake off, untacks him, and puts him back into his stall. She places his halter back and walks to the next stall. She opens the door and places a halter on ther deicate Arabian, Rythem. "Come on, girl. We've gotta get you back into our routine." she says as she ties the mare up at the washrack. She grooms her and tacks up quickly. Rhylie walks her out to the arena and sets up a few small crossrails. She swings into the english saddle and warms her up doing the same thing with her as she did with Blake. After their warm-up, Rhylie trots then canters over the few crossrails then cools her off with a job well done. She takes her back to the barn, untacks her, then walks her back to her stall. She replaces the halter and walks over to Sundancer's stall. After grooming and tacking her up, she takes her to the arena and swings into the western saddle. She warms her up and works on some Western Pleasure, Horsemanship, and Reining. After cooling her off, Rhylie walks her to the barn, untacks her, and puts her back into her stall.

By this time, it's 8:00pm. Rhylie walks over to the light switch and turns on the lights to the barn. "That's better." she says and walks over to Legend. "Hey girl. You wanna go for a ride?" Legend nudges Rhylie and puts her nose into the halter. Rhylie takes her to the washrack and grooms the tacks her. Once they're down at the arena, she switches on the lights and watches the arena light up. "Let's see what you got." she says once she swings into the western saddle and Legend sees the barrels set up in the arena. She warms her up then walks, trots, and canters the pattern. She gets her set and turns on the timers. "Ok. Give me your all." she whispers to the mare then gives her the signal to run. They finish the run on a time of 16.592. Rhylie gives her a pat and tells her she's a good girl. She cools her off, untacks her, and places her back into the stall. She replaces the halter and gives her one last pat then walks over to Flame. She grooms him in his stall and tacks him up in western. She leads him out and down to the arena. "Ok, boy. What do you wanna do today?" she asks the big stud. She warms up and does a little bit of Reining, Western Pleasure, and Barrel Racing. Once they're done, she cools him off and leads him to the barn. She takes him to his stall and untacks him. Rhylie walks over to Spencer and rubs him for a minute. "Alright, Spence. You ready to practice?" She grooms him in his stalls and tacks him up quickly in western. She leads him to the arena, swings into the saddle, and warms him up. Once he's warmed up, she starts doing Reining exercises and a little bit of Barrel Racing.
~1 hour later~
Rhylie cools Spencer down and walks him back to his stall. "Ok, Spence. Let's get up untacked." she says while untacking him. She locks the door behind her and walks to Bandit's stall. Once he's tacked up in western, she leads him to the arena and warms him up. She works on a lot of flexing and lateral work, getting him to soften in the bridle. After that's done she works him in Reining, Barrel Racing, and Western Pleasure.
~1 hour later~
She cools him off and takes him to his stall. She untacks him and loves on him a little. She walks out of the stall and checks to make sure everything's in order. She loves on all the horses, makes sure all the tack is put up, makes sure everything's locked then walks to the doors and turns off the lights. "Goodnight babies. I'll see you all in the morning." Rhylie says then closes and locks the big sliding doors to the barn. "There. Now they'll all be safe and happy." she says and goes to the arena to turn off the lights. She walks up and into the house. When she gets inside, she gets greeted by Cosmo, Kyla, and Crimson. She pets them then grabs something to eat before taking a shower and going to bed.

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