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Subject: Re: Coles County

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Date Posted: 05:45:36 10/14/09 Wed
In reply to: Spectator 's message, "Re: Coles County" on 18:54:54 10/13/09 Tue

>When I mentioned percentage, I was refering to the
>Club being paid a percentage of YOUR net after YOU
>paid ALL bills.
>Otherwise there isn't any incentive for the Club to
>turn the facility over to someone that could
>potentially bankrupt the place and then walk away
>leaving the Club in shambles after over 50 years of
>being successful.

Let me ask you this Mr Spectator - When you lease a House, a car, or a business, or anything, do you get the lessor into a percentage deal and tell them that you will only pay them a percentage of your paycheck and if you only work three days that you will only pay them for three days or does the lessor want to be paid a full agreed to price whether you make any money for that month or not? To me, The club has land payments that are be made, The land payments will continue to be made and I would anticipate that there would be monies left over for other needed items that the Board may deem necessary.

I agree that this club has been around for 52 years now and in fact it has added ground, new ammenities, and at the present time are due for additional things to help "spice" it up.

I only brought up the Kart issue because that is an option. Help grow the community of racing at the local level. Would it be possible financially? I do not know.

Again, this is only questions and ideas for thought, NOT for a public argument. If you are seriously doubting me, which seems if you have doubt, I do not understand why you would want a percent when COOKING books is so easy to do. If I pay you ten dollars, you have ten dollars, if I only pay you a percent of what I have, you might get three dollars or you might get eighteen dollars. Do you believe what I have in my pocket? If you are serious about the questions you ask, Thank you and I appreciate them. But again I DO NOT want to upset anyone with any of this. Like I said before, I WILL support COLES COUNTY SPEEDWAY for years to come.

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Re: Coles CountySpectator15:48:33 10/14/09 Wed

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