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Date Posted: 14:18:37 08/07/09 Fri
Author: Niles Mann
Subject: Re: Brown Bess powder loads
In reply to: Mike Pine 's message, "Re: Brown Bess powder loads" on 16:38:07 05/14/09 Thu

how do,
I,m looking to buy one of your "ranger guns" and was just wondering if anyone has had a problem with firing hunting
loads in these muskets? I'll be doing f/i events, and trek-
king mostly, but I will hunt some with it.

>>Hi Folks,
>I have been making and using military cartridges for
>the last few years. I use a slightly sanded 3\4" dowel
>one end Dremeled out enough so that a ball sits nicely,
>then form your cart. around the former and ball, stick
>the seam,then tie the ball end with cotton thread. I
>80 grains of FFF black stuff, fold and glue the end,
>wax the ball end with melted bore butter or even bee's
>I load and fire military style and get really good
>Never had burning paper problem and as a plus, the
>paper seemskeep the barrel a bit cleaner. 40 or so
>rounds from
>my Brown Bess is a good day at the range. Cheers.
>>I have had fairly good luck with a couple of
>>combinations. Both are based on 80 gr. of 2f powder.
>>One is a .710 ball with a .018 pillow ticking patch.
>>The other is a .735 ball with a .012 patch. This is
>>now my preferred load and I took one of my deer in
>>November with it in the Bess. All patches are lubed
>>with a beeswax/olive oil mix and I have had no
>>problems with burning patches.
>>I have also used paper cartridges. Again based on 80
>>grains of powder and the cartridge is made up of paper
>>from an old Dixie Gunworks Catalog. This is with the
>>.735 ball. Again pretty acceptable performance.
>>Never noticed any burning problems with the paper
>>either. Not saying it won't happen, just haven't seen
>>it in the Bess or any of my other Smoothbores when I
>>have used paper cartridges.
>>>I bought a Brown Bess from Middlesex over the summer
>>>and got a chance to live fire it today. I used a .69
>>>caliber ball with 70 grains of FFg black powder. My
>>>groupings were all over the place, even at 25 yards.
>>>I was wondering what combinations of powder, patch,
>>>and ball people have found to be good.
>>>Also, does anyone fire the traditional way by ramming
>>>the cartridge down the barrel? One of my patches
>>>caught fire today so I figure paper will surely burn
>>>up and it could be dangerous. Also, I wonder if there
>>>would be an air gap between the ball and the charge.

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