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Date Posted: 08:43:02 10/16/07 Tue
Author: Justin Prince
Subject: Re: Model 1816 muskets
In reply to: Pete 's message, "Re: Model 1816 muskets" on 12:07:47 10/15/07 Mon

Very nice!

I think as much as I'd like an '03 or a '17 Enfield (saw one at a gunshow couple months back for $375) I think the M1816s are calling me. Haven't bought a musket in a while and I'm wanting one after 2 Mosin Nagants, 2 Lee Enfields, and a Gewehr 1888. I think I might go to a gunshow this weekend (the big Wanemacker's in Tulsa, Oklahoma) and see if there is anything there that tickles my fancy, and if not will place a call to you guys Monday morning. That or I'll just call Thursday morning and beg for overnight shipping :)

Just a question though, you guys wouldn't happen to sell flints too would you? I still have some .672 cal balls laying around for my Armi Sport Model 1842 and, so if possible I'd like to just get some flints in the order too so I can...uh...spark test (yeah that's it) right out of the box. If so how much extra would it be? Getting excited, I've wanted one of these since February!

>I expect thme in a matter of days. Got a call from the
>airport this morning that a cargo consignment came in
>over the weekend. One of the crates is the first
>shipment of 1816s. We'll probably get them here
>Wednesday or Thursday.
>I've got a trapdoor, but it's an 1884. I don't have an
>03 though, but am shopping for a decent priced one.
>Can't believe the prices on 03s and Garands!
>I went to a gun show over the weekend, and came home
>with a K31 Swiss rifle, a pink "Crickett" .22 for
>Caleigh, and a Reising pistol. The best price on an 03
>that I saw was $750, and it was a beater!
>>Just curious what the status was on the Springfield
>>1816s. Apparently I'm getting a big change check
>>refund from my university and it will be more than
>>enough to pay off my current crop of bills AND buy a
>>lovely Model 1816 Springfield to go with my other two
>>Springfield replicas. Not sure if it is the musket I
>>want to go with (I'm weighing it, one of your Long
>>Lands, or a beater 1903 or 1873 Springfield).
>>I believe I was on the waiting list for the 1816... I
>>contacted you about these back in February.
>>>The first crate of them is expected either later this
>>>week or sometime next week. The length of pull on the
>>>prototype is 13 1/2"
>>>>What is the status of the 1816 muskets? They sound
>>>>very nice. Are they in stock? What is the trigger
>>>>pull length?

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