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Date Posted: 08:52:30 10/23/07 Tue
Author: Bryan K Borwn
Subject: Re: Guess what is at the airport, waiting to be shipped here?
In reply to: Pete 's message, "Re: Guess what is at the airport, waiting to be shipped here?" on 16:18:15 10/18/07 Thu

I try not to phone unless it is a time sensitive issue, email gives you the leasure to respond at your convienience.

Do you have a plan as to how ofter you are getting in these doublebarrel flintlocks pistols? Basically a wag at 20 every 60 days or similar estimate. So I don't make a nuicanse of myself checking in monthly if you are not expecting any for say 6 months.

Thanks for your replies.

>I don't know anything about where anyone is on the
>waiting list, that is a Wendy question.
>An email to info@ or orders@ should get an
>autoresponse already. I'll have to check into it to
>see if the "waiting list" links are set up to get the
>autoresponder or not. In any event, you can always
>give Wendy a call and ask her what number you are on
>the list. The list is over 150.
>Just don't call her every week and ask, some people
>can't help themselves. We only have one phone line and
>since reenactors all like to talk, when we get on the
>phone we gab and gab. Sometimes four other calls will
>beep through on caller ID while I'm yakking with one
>We got in 20 of the double flinters and 25 of the
>double caplocks. I'm online right now to upload a
>picture of the flinters to the home page.
>We've got our work cut out for us though: 20 double
>flinters means 40 barrels to vent and 40 locks to tune!
>>COOL Glad to hear it!!
>>Any chance I can confirm being on the list and perhaps
>>where? I emailed the orders address a couple times
>>inquiring but have recieved no reply.
>>I am assuming I am not in the first 25 or so, while it
>>may be jumping the gun. Do you have a timeline set
>>for follow on orders? 30 days, 6 months, other?
>>You may want to concider settng up a second address
>>for waiting lists with an auto responder so folks have
>>some sort of acknowledgement. If you dont use the
>>"Mailto:" html it is harder for spiders and spambots
>>to find it and start overloading your mailbox.
>>>Guess what is at the airport, waiting to be shipped
>>>to New Hampshire?
>>>The first crate of double barrel flint pistols!
>>>We got the call from the airline this morning and
>>>will be here in a matter of days. (have to go through
>>>Customs and various other government inspections,
>>>be trucked here)
>>>I guess I no longer have "the only one" to show off.
>>>That means I need to think up something else to have
>>>the only one of!

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