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Subject: First Snow Over Budapest

tcn (chosen by andy)
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Date Posted: 15:54:28 01/19/08 Sat

First Snow Over Budapest

by tcn

The train's engine crept northeast
to a stop in Budapest where
the tedium of snow settled
on the platform not far from
the exit door.

The land rolled out like a
white carpet void of patterns
or carved feet in the visible
distance; nestled was the sound
of grim silence.

The icy blur stirs my blood
and I lick the mist as the fog
swirls around me, heel to toe,
heel to toe, cross over and back again, breathe.

Behind me a sea of slush is dancing
shyly as the sun makes its daily
comeback over the little village
homes. The sheets of air are warm,
and I slip away.



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