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Subject: The Red Ball Rising

andy (Chosen by Janel)
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Date Posted: 20:09:39 01/20/08 Sun

The Red Ball Rising

I penned nostalgia on the walls of my denial
in the guts of grit truth is a valiant statue
staring at my past in a transient trance
flashes of faces with forgotten names
Jill, on her way to Jerusalem, in search of a king
Daniel, (believing he wrote the song for Elton)
singing across the room hand signs
of a plane taking off

beyond the boundaries of our fear
we find the moments when we danced
times we took the chances then roared into a day
the snapshots of a life running through a thankful mind

Time never leaves us
we just move on!

I am fishing for the moments when the sun was red
filtering through the pain until I see great light
You cannot stear your mind away from darkness
It takes its own hold, in its own time
though, you can always keep on
moving towards the light

I see it there shining, some big ball in a purple sky
driving home from Montpelier through green mountains
listening to my cousin John on the PBS radio
he's gone now too, sitting in some West Wing in the sky
we are all actors in a sense, spinning in some whirlwind
bouncing off our own defense, chuckling to ourselves
about the things no one else would every understand

the world is a communal graveyard
there are more of us dead than alive
ride the A train into a treasured moment
later you can look back and pen nostalgia
before you walk into a red sun and say goodbye

in the dust of our days
when the final whistle blows
we all leave our worth
small fragments of our days
that in fact did change the world

Further on, these children of mine
they will understand the wisdom of aging
they will cling to their own memories
before their children chase the sun

Once there was dinosaurs
we house their bones in museums now
the late, great, gigantic predators

In the end all the story really tell us
is the mind is a powerful thing.



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