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The Board Where Free Speech Is Protected
Welcome to the Say What You Wanna Say pageant board. Your first amendment right to free speech is protected here. You can say what you want to say about anyone and anything pageant related. Have a gripe!! State it here!! Have a genuine hate for someone!! Post it here. No ip's will ever be released to anyone at anytime. So don't even asked. If you find yourself the subject of a post on this board...look at yourself in the mirror and ask.."Why?". Only rule is no full names of children. Everything and everyone else is fair game. This board will be monitored several times a day. No banner ads.

Subject: Why?

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Date Posted: 05:15:19 03/03/08 Mon

Why does Yolanda post using a program that hides her IP address on this and many other boards and then comes right back on and posts using her Verizon account? Thinking that no one will know it's her? I hope she isn't that stupid to think that no one will know, but then again, she let a man abuse her kids for years just because she wanted him because he was Puerto Rican. She is that damn stupid.

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[> Subject: Re: Why?

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Date Posted: 12:26:12 03/04/08 Tue

Did you all know that Yolanda's kids were just taken away from her because she allowed her husband to molest them and didn't do anything about it? Child welfare came right to their schools and snatched them out and put them in protective custody. Now Yolanda can't see her own kids because she allowed her husband to molest them over and over again. Such a shame!!

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Subject: Truth About Yolanda

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Date Posted: 18:17:42 01/09/08 Wed

Didn't Yoli say she was one with pageants years ago? And that was the reason she got rid of Ethnic World? Hasn't she done at least two pageants a year since then. She keeps saying that, but no one is buying it. Not even her friends. They talk about that bitch like a dog. No wonder she doesn't even have custody of her kids. She is pure trash.

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[> Subject: Re: Truth About Yolanda

In The Know
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Date Posted: 05:01:14 01/10/08 Thu

I wanted to clarify what the above poster stated. She actually lost custody of her daughter shortly after she was born because the little girl was born with cocaine in her system. Her son was born the same way and she had just gotten back custody of him, when she gave birth to the little girl and they found the cocaine in the little girls system and Yolanda's as well. That is why her husband cheated on her, because she was still on the stuff.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Truth About Yolanda

Former MD Petite Director & now friend
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Date Posted: 06:55:55 01/10/08 Thu

This is all a lie. I've known Yolanda since she did the Maryland Petitie International pageant in 1994. I knew her before she had either of her two kids. She's always had custody of her children and NEVER been on drugs. I don't understand the need to make up pure LIES.


Pageants are not that important people.

This post is definitely grounds for a defamation of character and slander lawsuit. Thank you for whoever posted this for finally giving her something to truly prosecute you about.

Moderator, you should delete this entire thread. It's one thing to leave up information that can be proven but this is a complete lie and can leave you as the moderator open to legal action as well.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Truth About Yolanda

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Date Posted: 06:55:44 01/17/08 Thu

No, this is not a lie. I was able to get the court records and see for myself. All information, especially things of this nature are not always made public. You have to have a MEDIA connection in order to get these types of things. It's called "Freedom Of Information Act". And I was able to request the court records through a media contact that I know and see for myself. Do you think someone would publically admit to being on drugs and having drug addicted babies and losing custody of those drug addicted babies? Especially someone who wants people to think she is absolutely perfect. And for the record, all court documents are not public. If pageants are not that important, then why are you here? This is a pageant based board. If it is not that important, then stay off! And as the board mod, I am not deleting this thread. There is such a thing as "FREEDOM OF SPEECH". The person has a right to speak whatever they feel, and therefore this thread will be left up. And to Miss Makle, whatever I choose to discuss with that person you mentioned in your contact message to me is what I choose to discuss with her. I am not privy to copy you on any reports I give to that person, as I have not received anything from you/nor your attorney that you claim to have, nor the police directing/informing me to do so. That person does and that is why she is given the information that she is given and you are not.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Truth About Yolanda

Please go away...no one cares nor does anyone believe this
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Date Posted: 10:06:34 01/17/08 Thu

If this board is based upon FREEDOM OF SPEECH then why didn't you leave up all the posts defending Yolanda made by myself and others??? You pick and choose what you want to post mod and THAT is not FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

Why do you pick and chose? Because you are Teandrea Watson and that's why the negativity that is posted here posted for 15 mintues for the sake of her saying it was there and then it is deleted.

No one is stupid.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Truth About Yolanda

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Date Posted: 07:29:22 01/20/08 Sun

This board is based upon FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Posts were left up defending Yolanda, I can see quite a few of them. The posts were all made by you, many times trying to mask your true IP address. But we do have it on file now and you were more than once bashing Teandra. Certain posts are not let online because they were revealing information about the schools and current locations of Ms Makle's children. Someone also posted the divorce petition and that was not proper to do, so I did not let it be posted. Also, someone posted Teandra's divorce decree along with other information that was only told to one person and should not have been made public.
And as for your last part of the post:

>Why do you pick and chose? Because you are Teandrea
>Watson and that's why the negativity that is posted
>here posted for 15 mintues for the sake of her saying
>it was there and then it is deleted.

You and your saviour Ms Makle have again and again accused Teandra of being the mod of this board. You are so wrong it is pathetic, but get this, you do know who I am and I do know who you are. Why? Because this is how. Teandra told Yolanda about the Washington DC Verizon IP address and how on one of the posts I looked at on this board was signed "MD Petite Director & Now Friend". I told Teandra this and she went to Yolanda like "I know it's Peta!". And guess what Yolanda responded with "It's not Peta. It's Lakeisha Campbell" So the person you are trying to protect, let it be known who you are. And you can tell your friend that she is not and never will be privy to anything that is posted on here and it is my choice to send it to whomever I wish to send it to and she is not one that I will be sending it to.

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Subject: Yolanda Makle To Pose In Hustler

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Date Posted: 05:42:13 02/19/08 Tue

I have a friend that works for Hustler magazine and Yolanda Makle just signed a contract to pose in Hustler Magazine. If you don't know how Hustler Magazine looks, lets just say, from the right angle you can see inside some of these girls. My connection at Hustler magazine also said Ms Makle is set to star in a video as well and this isn't one of those videos that you want to watch with your kids. How is this woman supposed to be a representative of married (oh wait...)..how is she supposed to be a representative of women in pageantry if she is set to pose in Hustler and do a porn? Such a bad representative for mothers and women in pageantry.

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Yolanda Makle-Rodriguez
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Date Posted: 14:12:00 02/19/08 Tue

Your ''friend'' at Hustler is a liar. I have never posed and never would pose for something I would be ashamed of my children to see. I have sent your slanderous post to my attorney so again, thank you for assisting me in taking legal action.

Keep up with you sad attempts to keep me from competing again however that will be MY decision and not yours.

This is getting really old.

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[> Subject: Re: Yolanda Makle To Pose In Hustler

What A Shame
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Date Posted: 15:45:08 02/19/08 Tue

She once appeared in Playboy, so Hustler and porn were not that far away.

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[> [> Subject: Really? What issue (month & year)? What page number? Give us the proof.

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Date Posted: 19:31:44 02/19/08 Tue

I would like to see the photo if it exists.

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[> [> [> Subject: Shut Up Yola The Loca

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Date Posted: 07:50:11 02/20/08 Wed

You already know what issue you were in Yolanda. So don't even try it. You know you did Playboy and are set to appear in Hustler. If it isn't you, then someone is using your name. But I think it is you, how many Yolanda D Makle's are there in the world. Why are you so concerned with these boards Yolanda? You should be worried about your impending divorce preceedings. Heard Willy Boy is about to take your skinny ass to the bank.

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Subject: What is This?

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Date Posted: 06:39:39 02/13/08 Wed

I've found some more interesting things about Ms Makle. Wow?

http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/inquiry/inquiryDetail.jis?caseId=0D00151907&loc=24&detailLoc=DSCR Criminal case, seems to stem from something alcohol related. Go figure!!

And she still owes these people over $8,000 bucks: http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/inquiry/inquiryDetail.jis?caseId=050200346652007&loc=20&detailLoc=DSCIVIL

Found guilty of speeding?? ROFLMAO: http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/inquiry/inquiryDetail.jis?caseId=000000ET13280&loc=27&detailLoc=TRAFFIC

Car was reposessed and she owed them over $9,000: http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/inquiry/inquiryDetail.jis?caseId=040200004022007&loc=17&detailLoc=DSCIVIL

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[> Subject: You're a fucking idiot. That "alcohol" related case is for someone born in 1958

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Date Posted: 14:08:08 02/15/08 Fri

>I've found some more interesting things about Ms
>Makle. Wow?
> >href="http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/inquiry/inqu

>Criminal case, seems to stem from something alcohol
>related. Go figure!!
>And she still owes these people over $8,000 bucks: rel=nofollow target=_blank >rel=nofollow target=_blank
>Found guilty of speeding?? ROFLMAO: >target=_blank

>Car was reposessed and she owed them over $9,000: rel=nofollow target=_blank >rel=nofollow target=_blank

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[> [> Subject: Sure, we believe you! She is still an alcoholic, speed racing whore!! What about the other charges?

Not That Much On An Idiot
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Date Posted: 06:18:31 02/16/08 Sat

>>I've found some more interesting things about Ms
>>Makle. Wow?
>> >>href="http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/inquiry/inq

>>Criminal case, seems to stem from something alcohol
>>related. Go figure!!
>>And she still owes these people over $8,000 bucks: rel=nofollow target=_blank >rel=nofollow target=_blank >rel=nofollow target=_blank
>>Found guilty of speeding?? ROFLMAO: >target=_blank rel=nofollow

>>Car was reposessed and she owed them over $9,000: rel=nofollow target=_blank >rel=nofollow target=_blank >rel=nofollow target=_blank

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Subject: Where oh Where is Willy Boy?

Private Detective
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Date Posted: 05:09:07 01/24/08 Thu

Where or where is Ms Makle's Willy Boy? I'm doing extensive research on his whereabouts and will post my findings very shortly. Very interesting what I've found so far. He's got a criminal background a mile long, it's a shame, because aren't his parents Correctional Officers at Rikers? I wonder how much they know about Willy Boy? Maybe they are involved. Maybe a call to the New York Department of Corrections is in order for today. Willy Boy lives in Miami, one of the hottest drug spots in the nation. Maybe that is how so many drugs get into Riker's Island? Isn't that income of sorts? Such a shame she let her kids get involved with a man like that. I guess a desperate, lonely, pathetic person like her will do anyone for love.

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[> Subject: Re: Where oh Where is Willy Boy?

Report His Ass/Click In
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Date Posted: 15:00:03 01/24/08 Thu

Report him because guess what??? If you do, then she will go right down with his ass. Wouldn't it be nice if she got involved in a scandal like that? She'd never be able to compete again. Has she ever won any national title? I'm not talking about the ones she had handed to her!!

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Subject: What is the purpose of this board?

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Date Posted: 09:14:11 01/21/08 Mon

What is the true purpose of this board? I see a lot of garbage posted here that has absolutely nothing to do with pageantry. This board appears to be a bash board of one particular person so to me (a complete outsider) it looks like everything here is posted because of a few vindictive and jealous people. I see no proof of anything here that would cause a huge scandal or was even worth posting. Everyone has gotten a speeding ticket at one time and the info posted about the Freedom of Information act is used out of context. The FOIA itself covers FEDERAL cases not state cases. A custody case would be handled by the individual state and would be public record and be found in the same location as the traffic ticket. Readers are not stupid and you board mod since its obvious that you are part of the bashing are only making this look more and more like a classic situation of cyber-stalking. This is very sad that pageantry has come to an all-time low.

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[> Subject: Re: What is the purpose of this board?

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Date Posted: 10:28:05 01/22/08 Tue

The true purpose of this board is for some people to get a taste of their own medicine. If you could read, and I highly doubt that you can, there are bashing posts of more than one person. I count at least three. Every message has not been made public. You are not a complete outsider. Face it, you are involved in pageants, or are so ugly you would not step foot near one for fear of total humiliation. No one on here is jealous or vindictive of anyone who is a subject of a bash here. As there is nothing to be jealous of. All victims of bashing here have achieved great things in their personal and professional lives. And you are wrong, not everyone has gotten a speeding ticket. I have never gotten one. And it's one thing to speed, but to go 30 miles over the speed limit. Supposed she had killed someone, then what? What is she had killed some innocent child? People need to think when they are behind the wheel. Going 30 miles over the speed limit is absolutely ridiculous. the FOIA covers anything and everything, if it didn't, I would not have been able to get my hands on her divorce information. Her divorce isn't a federal case, so how was I able to get my hands on it? Because of FOIA!!

>What is the true purpose of this board? I see a lot
>of garbage posted here that has absolutely nothing to
>do with pageantry. This board appears to be a bash
>board of one particular person so to me (a complete
>outsider) it looks like everything here is posted
>because of a few vindictive and jealous people. I see
>no proof of anything here that would cause a huge
>scandal or was even worth posting. Everyone has
>gotten a speeding ticket at one time and the info
>posted about the Freedom of Information act is used
>out of context. The FOIA itself covers FEDERAL cases
>not state cases. A custody case would be handled by
>the individual state and would be public record and be
>found in the same location as the traffic ticket.
>Readers are not stupid and you board mod since its
>obvious that you are part of the bashing are only
>making this look more and more like a classic
>situation of cyber-stalking. This is very sad that
>pageantry has come to an all-time low.

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Subject: Just a little FYI

love gossip, too!
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Date Posted: 08:02:59 01/04/08 Fri

Posting someone's personal information (i.e, social security #, driver's license #, address, etc.) on the internet without their permission is illegal in all 50 states.

Be aware that Voy's new policy about releasing IPs is that they no longer require a subpoena but will release to an individual should they deem it necessary.

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[> Subject: Re: Just a little FYI

Yes, But Expect The Same In Return
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Date Posted: 11:44:09 01/05/08 Sat


But you should also expect the same to be done to you. If you post someones personal information, do not be surprised when it happens to you as well. You cannot throw out stones and expect to not get hit back. If you can dish it, you should be able to take it.

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Subject: Any Updates On HoLanda?

Holanda Lover
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Date Posted: 13:07:37 12/29/07 Sat

Does anyone have any updates on Holanda's many court adventures? Especially that traffic one. That one was priceless. Why on earth would anyone want to be associated with a whore that is likely to kill someone when she gets behind the wheel.

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[> Subject: Re: Any Updates On HoLanda?

I Know
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Date Posted: 19:39:12 12/30/07 Sun

She did not show up for the last court date and they have issued a warrant for her arrest. I heard that there was a $500 reward for information leading to her capture. All this over a speeding ticket. She should have just shown up, but she tried to weasle her way out of it, just like she does everything else. What a pathetic soul!!

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[> [> Subject: Re: Any Updates On HoLanda?

Here It Is
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Date Posted: 20:29:17 01/03/08 Thu

Case Information
Go Back
Citation Number: 000000ET13280Case Status:CLOSED CASE
Violation Date: 04/22/2007 Violation Time: 08:08 AM
District Code: 07 Location Code: 01

Officer Name:HENRY, ROBERT G
Officer ID:1222


Defendant Information
Address:3915 MALCOLM ROAD
City: BRANDYWINEState:MDZip Code:20613
Drivers License: M240961139475Issuing State: MD

Charge Information
Charge: Article:TASec:21Sub-Sec:801.1Para:Code:
Speed Limit: 45 Recorded Speed: 077
Location Stopped: 700 BLK RT 3 NB

Fine: 290.00
Vehicle Tag: 4CXE14 State: MD Vehicle Description: 07MITS


Disposition Information
Disposition: GUILTY
Disposition Date: 12/05/2007
Speed Limit: 45 Convicted Speed: 077

Sentence Date: 12/05/2007
Sentence Time: Yrs:00Mos:00Days:000
Suspended Time: Yrs:00Mos:00Days:000
Costs: Fine: 290.00 CourtCost: 0.00 CICF: 0.00
Suspended: Fine: 0.00 CourtCost: 0.00 CICF Cost: 0.00


Event History Information
Event Date Comment
KEYP 2007-07-17 TRIAL KEYPOINT 14:56:39 REEL 999999
DCHG 2007-12-05 T;071707;FTA ;0000000;0000000; ; ; ; ;00000123;995
SCHG 2007-12-05 D225;A TO C

Her license was suspended on 12-5-07

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Subject: Yvette Parrish Into Voodoo?

Hell To The Naw
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Date Posted: 06:53:40 12/21/07 Fri

Yvette Parrish is into Voodoo? OMG, why would anyone now want her in their pageant. They say she left because of all the stalking and harrassing. No, she leftbecause she did not have a chance in hell of winning anything decent. What has she won? Besides Ethnic World which was owned by her best friend. Ewwww. Stay away Yvette.

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[> Subject: Re: Yvette Parrish Into Voodoo?

Yes, it's True
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Date Posted: 12:12:26 12/28/07 Fri

Yvette is into Vodoo. Too bad she can't put a spell onto win a decent title. She's washed up. So is Yolanda.

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Subject: Book your travel arrangements now for Miss America week!

Out-N-About Travel
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Date Posted: 11:30:41 12/18/07 Tue

Does anybody wish to make travel arrangements for Miss America week? Once again, this year, the pageant is being held in fantastic Las Vegas, Nevada.

We recommend booking your travel for January 20th or January 21st, 2008. The Preliminaries begin shortly thereafter, and the finals are on Saturday, January 26th, 2008. Therefore, you may wish to book your departure travel, to leave Las Vegas on Sunday, January 27th, 2008.

Out-N-About Travel, a Global Travel Franchise, has super-duper rates for all your travel-related needs.

Your are welcome to e-mail: Outnabout_Travel@Yahoo.com, or call: (888) 630-5836.

You also are welcome to go directly to the website: http://www.4363630.globaltravel.com.

See you in Las Vegas!!!

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