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Date Posted: 08:39:05 10/10/13 Thu
Author: Nova
Subject: Help with pictures! Please?

Here's my first guy.

Name: Clyde

Gender: Gelding

Age: 22

Breed: Pony Of America

Height: 13.2

Appearance: Stocky pony type. Grey coloring with roaning and a blanket, short thin grey/brown tail, frizzy short grey forelock and short thin black mane that sticks up.

Personality: Clyde is an ornery old man, he enjoys making trouble and is incredibly hard headed. If it's new, he doesn't like it, if it's happy, it's stupid and of course youngsters should be seen and not heard. If he was a human he'd be the grumpy old man that sits on his porch and yell at the neighborhood children that get to close to his fence.

History: For the past 20 years Clyde was used as a camp pony, packing kids up and down trails pack horse style every day of the summer. For many years he was a "good boy" but eventually his tollerance turned to indifference which led to irritibility. He began playing tricks on his kids, putting his head down to pretend to eat then quickly rolling back, dropping his rider then galloping back to his stall was among his favorite. Eventually the ranglers became tired of fallen riders and resigned Clyde to carrying the sandwiches at the end of the pack line, tied securely to a rangler's mount. As the years went by the campers were fewer and fewer until eventually the camp was forced to shut their doors. Clyde, along with a few other camp ponies were turned out and forgotten about. One night after a particularly terrifying storm a tree fell across the fence and left a gaping hole. Clyde realized the humans weren't coming back and took this opportunity to escape into the wild.


Light or Rebel: (Required) Rebel

Player Name:(Required) Nova

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