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Date Posted: 17:05:13 09/22/13 Sun
Author: Stephanie (The Hopeful)
Subject: RPG Shopping- Show a newbie why to stick around...

Hello everyone, I'm visiting from reddit. Since this is kind of a small community and the site doesn't really have a lot of information obviously available for newbies I thought it might be nice to just have a chat. What is this place? What's going on? Why should I stay? Where do you want it to progress. Who are you? These are just a few things I'd wanna know before making a character.

Introducing me: My name is Stephanie. I'm turning 26 on Tuesday and getting married the Tuesday after. I was really into play-by-text RPs when I was younger, but I fell out of them for a while and all the communities I was involved in had changed drastically or died by the time I was ready to play again. I haven't really found my groove in a place since. I tried an RP on Tumblr, but it was really awkward and had a completely different writing style. All spoken words, no context, gifs took the place of actually writing. Just not a good fit for someone as wordy as I am. I love to write! I have a problem, lol, over 100 unfinished stories. I've started writing fanfiction this year and having people pester me for updates has been a fun way to keep moving forward on a story. And I love to role play. I'm more than a D&D nerd, I've played a dozen systems. I'm just not one of those rules lawyer-y types. I just really like Lore. I love story telling. Community story telling, holy shit am I down! If the community is right. ;)

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