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Subject: Re: gun show in utah

Lt Jamer Arr
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Date Posted: 13:45:08 05/30/09 Sat

>>****this was very difficult to read.....you need spacing and caps...very difficult to understand what you are sayingexpo
>>center,in sandy utah. they have a history of good
>>vendors and a packed house. i have been to many stores
>>in our area looking for 8mm, with no luck in finding
>>any.at the gun show we asked every vendor if they had
>>any 8mm with no luck. we finally found some reloads
>>8mm they hand one case left. we were excited to find
>>it that we did not check things to make sure every
>>thing was ok. well to cut this short none of the
>>shells were checked and non of them fired. it was not
>>a problem with the gun we went and bought some 8mm
>>from a store, everything was great,it is a sad day
>>that we are starting to get scrupules dealers at our
>>shows that will sell anything to make a buck. i am a
>>disabled indiviual and as many of you have found out
>>you don't make it to far on the money. i was a public
>>school teacher after being at fort polk la. i then
>>went to collage had some problems adapting to the
>>changes, suffered from PTSD Depreesion,and other
>>problems, my sons after many years have been able to
>>get me outdoors for shooting and fishing. when i was
>>in walmart any quality rounds were 25-30 dollars a box
>>and really only shot gun shells is all they had,what
>>is happening. mike wylie if you no how i could get
>>some broken guns to work on i could really use them i
>>need to find some to work on before i want to work on
>>someone elses,I have never seen a person speak out of
>>the side of his mouth as o' bama does.how are things
>>looking for those of us that are sports enthuseast?
>>have a good one.

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