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Subject: Kudos from a Satisfied Customer

Cecil Couch (Happy)
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Date Posted: 07:23:44 06/04/09 Thu

Good afternoon and Happy Memorial Day! I recently received the order indicated below and since this was my first order with you, I didn't really know what to expect. When I opened it and inspected the brass (Mil once fired 223, processed, unprimed), I got a terrific and extremely pleasant surprise. I have never seen a better looking lot (1,000) of used brass. I have loaded several thousand of them over the past 15 or 20 years, but have never seen this type of quality. The cases were in remarkable condition. I checked several of them with my calipers, and couldn't believe how true and consistent they were. Every one was trimmed to the exact same thousandth of an inch (1.750). The condition of the necks and case mouths equaled or exceeded some new brass that I have used. I just finished priming them using an RCBS APS Hand Priming tool and I was again pleasantly surprised. The primer crimps had been removed to an exact tolerance and they primed just great. In short, I am tickled pink with my purchase. So much so, in fact, that I subsequently ordered another thousand (primed, this time) and am eagerly looking forward to receiving them.

Please accept my sincere thanks and appreciation for the professionalism and effort you put into the product you sell. This will undoubtedly not be my last order.


Mr. Cecil Couch

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