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Subject: Re: Headspace (again)

Pete J.
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Date Posted: 08:48:18 06/18/09 Thu

On full-length resized ammo, "head space" measurement is almost irrelevant, (unless your firearm has a headspace issue, or you believe the dies being used to resize this brass may be worn out of tolerance). SAMMI specifies die tolerances, and a full length-sizing die typically returns brass to "minimum chamber size". If factory ammo has no headspace issues in your rifle, full length resized ammo (from a die within SAMMI speck) shouldn’t either. (Different factory dies size differently but all within the "TOLERANCE" specified.) Buy and READ "Hatcher’s Notebook" by Julian S. Hatcher, published by Stackpole Books, to learn that there is excessive misinformation and needless concerns about "Headspace" in properly assembled (or manufactured) fire arms. IN SHORT, properly resized brass will function no differently than NEW brass.

(Are you questioning the machinery, technique, or skill of the folks here?)

I asked the question awhile ago. Now I'll ask again in
>a different way. Has anyone who has received rifle
>brass .223/5.56 .308/7.62 checked the brass for proper
>head space with a precision mic or a Wilson cartrige
>case gage? And what did you find? I have not yet seen
>a post mentioning this or anyone asking this question.
>If you are a reloader this is important. This is the
>only question that so far has kept me from ordering. I
>think it a great thing to knock off most of the work
>involved in processing brass. Not trim length but head
>space. BTW congrats on the DOD reversal. Dean

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