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Subject: Economy is bad..here is what I think needs to happen before no one can afford pageants.

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Date Posted: 10:19:36 09/23/08 Tue

No more 1000.00 fee's and 50 plus titles...95.00 sides fee's

Nothing wrong with just having queen in each age division
3-supreme bracket mini's, 3- supreme bracket grand's and 1- ultimate.

beauty dress, and 1 ooc.
keep pro am separate as an extra chance at a crown.

This would bring down fee's and bring back the pride in winning a title too.

What is the point of having...novice,beauty photo,overall beauty, over swimwear, pro,amature,jr.grand,supreme queen, etc.

When you win anything less than mini.grand or ultimate...no cares or regonizes it as a true win anyhow? And most can come back again and compete.

And you spend 1000.00 plus and most of those other titles do not even pay close to what you spend.

What will directors and vendors do when a recession hits...some of them do this full time.

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Only a few pm have unlimited funds. If think if things get any worse like bush was saying last night that it could come to. Even the rich will hold their money close! Pageants will take a fall like everything else.Anonymous07:28:33 09/25/08 Thu
We have not done a pageant in almost a year now. Have better things to spend the money onAnonymous08:02:48 09/29/08 Mon
That is a great idea! Maybe one of the pageants will pick up on it!Anonymous08:57:49 09/29/08 Mon
I agree! It would benefit the directors and us pms!Anonymous15:17:15 09/29/08 Mon
Re: Economy is bad..here is what I think needs to happen before no one can afford pageants.Anonymous07:22:24 11/07/08 Fri

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