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Date Posted: 13:39:48 03/17/01 Sat
Author: Ted kerin
Subject: Longer Post

The purpose of this longer post is just to check the visual effect,

and later maybe post more of them to purposely push the volume of messages past the mimit --

so we can see how the so-called "archives" work, and how easy or tricky it is to move from page-to-page...

Q. Is Columbo's mother or father still alive?
A. No. "I lost my parents, that's the way of the world." ("Try And Catch Me")

Q. Was Columbo's father born in America?
A. No. "Pop was from the old country." ("Murder Under Glass")

Bonus trivia on Pop:

* He never made over $5,000 a year ("Any Old Port In A Storm"), and only once
bought a new car: "I remember how proud he was...the way it smelled...like the
inside of a Pullman car." ("Try And Catch Me")

* He loved Reggiano cheese ("Agenda For Murder")

* He wore glasses, 8-sided rimless style ("Make Me A Perfect Murder")

* He taught Columbo how to play pool ("How To Dial A Murder")

* Pop briefly belonged to the Elks club, "til my mother stopped him."
("Dagger Of The Mind")

Q. Was Columbo's mother Italian?
A. Yes. "I'm Italian on both sides." ("Any Old Port In A Storm")

Bonus mother facts:

* Had great respect for books -- "She would chop my hands off" is she ever caught him
folding-down the pages ("Murder, Smoke And Shadows")

* Told Columbo you could go blind from all kinds of things, like wearing his
father's glasses, or not wearing his mittens, or wearing rubbers in the house
("MakeMe A Perfect Murder")

Q. Does Columbo claim any ancestral ties with Christopher Columbus?
A. No, that "must have been another branch of the family" ("Dead Weight")

Q. Did Columbo's grandfather have any hobbies?
A. He made wine in the basement, and let Columbo stomp the grapes
("Any Old Port In A Storm")

Bonus grandfather facts:

* Wore dentures by age 40 ("The Most Dangerous Match")

* Had a 200-year-old armoir, because "He didn't believe in buyin' new."
("Exercise In Fatality")

Q. Did Columbo come from a big family?
A. Yes. His mother was in the hospital having a baby "about once a year for a while there" ("Murder Under Glass"). Dinnertime at the Columbo household
"was like, well, you know, Madison Square Garden." ("Lady In Waiting")

Q. How many brothers and sisters did Columbo have?
A. Five Brothers and one sister. "We were never lonely."
("Make Me A Perfect Murder")

Q. How many of Columbo's siblings can you name?
A. He has a brother Sal, who taught him to smoke at age 12 ("Strange Bedfellows").

His sister was named Mary. She filled her living room with "very modern
furniture," and her husband kept his mouth shut about it -- "I think the coffee
table got to him years ago". ("Prescription: Murder").

Both Mary and her husband, Dan Parma, have died before the wedding of their son,Andy ("No Time For Murder").

We don't know the names of Columbo's other 4 brothers.

Q. Bonus Question: What was Columbo's birth-order -- oldest, youngest, or middle child?
A. Somewhere in the middle.

He had a younger brother that he called "Baby," although that brother was only a year and seven months younger . ("Murder In Malibu")

He also had an older brother, who was very popular with the girls: Columbo
got "an education" by impersonating his older brother on the telephone when the
girls called. ("Murder In Malibu")

One of his brothers was age 38 in 1973 ("Candidate For Crime") and still wore his high-school sneakers.

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