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Date Posted: 23:28:11 10/05/24 Sat
Author: Jane
Subject: Re: My examination
In reply to: Knut Holt 's message, "Re: My examination" on 16:28:36 10/04/24 Fri

We live in Western Europe.
All the staff from the boarding school and most of the teachers from the school had the same examination in the boarding school. They were examined as soon as the investigation of the boys and girls was over. Based on the results of the tests, almost half of the staff had to be further treated and especially the cooks were not allowed to work in the kitchen for almost a month and meals were brought to us from elsewhere.
As far as the symptoms that the others had are concerned, this is what I found:

- most of the boys had fluid in their scrotum when they woke up, which was absorbed within two days, some of them repeatedly had their scrotum flushed with fluid from a syringe
- Almost half of the girls had very swollen labia upon waking and felt a lot of pressure in them, within two to three days the swelling disappeared
- most girls also had enlarged and very sensitive breasts and felt fluid in them, which was absorbed within about a week
- two girls and four boys had a very strong allergic reaction on waking and were transported from the hospital by helicopter to a specialised unit
- several boys and girls had their first examinations in the auditorium in front of many medical students
- several girls and boys described as a rather funny episode a situation where several medical students had to strip completely naked and were thus treated all day long. It was a punishment for trying to record us on their mobile phones, which was strictly forbidden
- Almost a third of the boys and girls had problems holding their urine and stool for several weeks.


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