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Date Posted: 02:06:03 12/04/24 Wed
Author: Knut Holt
In reply to: Knut Holt 's message, "SOME STORIES MADE UP FOR FUN" on 01:59:44 12/04/24 Wed

onny lives in a European community where everything regarding the health and development of young people is monitored very closely by the authorities, and where everybody up to age 20 are essentially treated like children.

He has just celebrated his 18 years birthday. He is still a slim boy, still mostly smooth, and with a nice body shape, with round buttocks, with a deep but cleft, and with dark curly hair. But he also looks somewhat weak and sickly.

One afternoon, just before lunch, during the summer vacation, his mother says to him: "Unfortunately you cannot eat any more today or tomorrow morning, because the teen-health-team will visit you to check your bodily development, and your stomach must be empty. This team is a new arrangement, and every teen boy will be visited this year for this check. The next year they will take the girls too, but boys are in greater need for this special check, so they take the boys first"

Hearing this, Jonny feels this strange mixture of feelings like always when he is scheduled for some type of exam - a little fear, some embarrasment, but also a general excitement, and a strong tickling down in his stomach.

Then his mother gives him a big cup of some slimy white tasteless substance to drink and says: "Now you must go to the toilet, take a good time there to get totally empty, then take a shower, then go to bed".

Just sat on the toilet he felt a strong urge to pee and poop, and as he thought it is done, a new urge, and so on and on the next 5 minutes. Apparently the substance contained something strongly stimulating his bowel movements. Then he takes on clean briefs provided by his mother and go to bed.

Jonny feels it utterly boring to go to bed so early. But he also is thinking about what the following exam could be. He remembers that his parents had got a thick letter and had a conversation about the content. Especially one phrase makes him ponder: "Look inside him though his lower openings". The letter surely uses some more exact expressions, but his parents have the habit of converting these to more woolly wording when talking by themselves about exams planned for him.

The thought about what that could mean makes him both excited and fearful at the same time and his penis grows to a hard erection. But soon he feels very tired. Apparently the stuff also contained a relaxant that now gets in effect.

He mostly is sleeping during the rest of the day and the following night, only disturbed by 4 more urges to pee and poop that make him visit the toilet again.

Early next morning a big ambulance-like van parks in the street outside the house of Jonny's family in the idyllic suburban street. The van has no other marking than the title "youth health team" discretely written at both sides. It also has the usual blue-light lanterns but somewhat more discrete than those of an ordinary ambulance. Immediately a side-door get sopened, and two middle-age nurses in white uniforms step out, carrying each a business-like suitcase.

Everybody passing buy would understand from the appearance that a young person gets visited by some health service, but the whole styling is tuned down so that most people would think they are there only to give vaccine shots or something like that.

Jonny's mother has already got a message through the cellular that they have arrived and stands in the open door to show the nurses inside. They are immediately led into Jonny's room where he still is sleeping. His mother touches his shoulders, shakes him gently so that he wakes up, and says: "Ok, honey, now the team has come to examine you. But you can just lay still and let the nurses and doctor do their work. Nothing will hurt."

Still being drugged, Jonny does not manage to think and react very much, but when seeing the nurses he suddenly feels an intense excitement in his groin and his penis grows to a hard erection, which makes him somewhat embarrassed and he is blushing so that the nurses surely can see it. But he does not make himself to react or say anything, but just passively accepts what is to happen.

One nurse already has a IV catheter in her hand connected to a small automatic device. Se takes his left arm, and swiftly inserts the metallic tip of the catheter into a blood vessel in his arm, secures it with a ribbon, and activates the device, saying: "Just relax, Jonny, we give you some medicine into your blood stream to make you sleep through all the exam procedures." Soon he is put fully to sleep by the medicine delivered through the IV.

The other nurse also has a small automatic device with a lot of wires with electrodes. Swiftly she place the electrodes at his breast and a finger to monitor his vital signs.

Then they continue by swiftly taking specimens with swabs from his mouth, nose, ears and under his arms, as well as a blood specimen.

His mother stands in the background and watches. As the nurses proceed with the specimens, they take small breaks to ask the mother if she has observed symptoms from the various body parts of her son.

"And any observations regarding his pelvic functions", a nurse eventually asks.

"He uses a long time on the toilet to urinate and for his bowel movements. It is like he is so narrow down there.", his mother replies, and adds somewhat embarrassed. "And his penis is often and for long times swollen and stiff, more than normally for boys in puberty, I think".

"These problems are common for teen boys, but can be quite serious, but let us have a look and take some specimens down there too", the nurse replies. Swiftly she takes hold of his under-pants and pulls them down and off. Despite his drugged state, his penis is still rather swollen and stiff.

Skillfully the nurse takes his penis with one hand, pulls down his foreskin, spreads his pee-hole and gently inserts a swab down to the scrotal area. After some movements inside his urethra, she pulls out the swab and deposits it in a glass tube and seals it.

The nurse says: "Then we will prepare his opening for the internal inspection."

After having applied antiseptic stuff at his penis and groin area, a nurse swiftly spreads his pee-hole once again and injects some lubricating fluid into his urethra. And then again she spread his pee-hole open while the other nurse gently inserts through his still partly stiff penis a catheter connected to a urine bag.

Then the nurses roll Jonny to his left side and flexes his legs to get full access to his anal area. Skillfully one nurse spreads his buttock wide apart with her hands, The other takes an instrument much like the one a doctor uses in the ear, but with a much longer tip, which the nurse gently inserts through Jonny's anus, to see if there is any problem in his rectum. She also takes a specimen with a swab from his rear opening. He is then reposed to lay on his back.

His mother is watching interested and highly excited how the nurses handle the intimate parts of her son. But she also begins to worry. This whole affair so far looks like a preparation for a lot more intrusive and involved ordeal than she has anticipated.

The nurse said: "The difficult part of the exam will take place in our van. When it is all done we bring your son back, so just wait in the house while we take care of him the best way."

Hearing this the worry of his mother rose to nearly panic, but people in this country are brought up to obey authorities without questioning, so she did not dear to object.

A nurse takes her cellular and sends a short message down to the van: "The boy fully prepared".

At once at the back of the van, an automatic ramp gets pulled out, a door openes, and the driver and a technician go down the ramp pulling a stretcher. They go inside the house and to Jonny's room with the strecher. Meanwhile the doctor remains in the van to make the final preparations.

Without saying much, they lifts the boy with the IV unit, the monitor and catheter onto the stretcher, and wraps him with some blankets. Then they quickly brings him to the van, up the ramp, past the backside room in the van and into the next room which looks like a fully equipped operating theater, with the only exception that it is somewhat narrow.

In the middle there is an advanced surgical table with stirrups to place his legs onto, and thereover a big surgery room lamp already lit and pointed towards the area between the stirrups.

At the wall on the right side of the table there hang several endoscopic instruments ready for use, one for each opening a boy has in his body, each connected to a central unit with a tube, and a ultrasound unit with a lot of probes, both for external use and for internal pelvic use.

There is also a moveable setting with tubes and sondas of various formats for flushing and suction, not unlike the setting a dentist has, but it is strategically placed near the stirrup zone.

The rest of the walls were covered with shelves for all type of small equipment.

With the help of a nurse they lift Jonny totally naked onto the operating table, flex up his legs, spread them wide apart and secure them upon the stirrups, and the driver and technician go out of the room with the stretcher.

These two will not have much to do the following 3 hours, but they have the duty to stand by in case their assistance is needed. They see a McDonald's restaurant on the other side of the street, and decide to sit there in a shielded corner to eat and have some fun. They have their cellular with them so that they can be called back to the van if they are needed.

But the technician has secretly provided access to all the cameras in tha van through their phones so they are able to watch all parts of the examination of the boy from any angle on their phone. That will be their main entertainment during the waiting time.

The units for anesthesia, surveillance and catheter bag get hanged up at the left side of the table, where also one nurse takes her place, while the doctor has already taken his place at the right side.

The doctor has handled around 500 boys so far in this huge project. and his job has since long been such an automatic routine that seing naked young boys usually did not excite him, and besides that he is not gay. But a few boys are so beautiful that the sight of them impacts him deeply emotionally and make him sigh, and Jonny is one of these. But he has a tight schedule, so he quickly regains his professional attitude.

He soon gets handed the ultrasound probe for external use. He places it systemetically on the boy, first at and around his breast nipples, then at his hip joints. He then proceeds to his bladder area, and then his scortum and testicles, and stepwise down at the area between his legs. For each step he looks at a huge monitor screen placed at the opposite wall.

Then he replaces himself to get a better view of Jonny's anal zone held open by his position with legs in stirrups. He then uses the probe carefully at all the area inside his butt cleft and directly upon his anus.

The nurse hands him another long lubricated probe for internal use. Carefully he presses the rounded tip of the probe against the boy's delicately looking red-brown anus, until it slides inside. Carefully negotiating the direction, the doctor slides it slowly towards the bottom of the anus an even a small distance up into his colon. Thereby the doctor gets a inside view of all parts of the boy's pelvic zone. He pulls the probe out again and this part of the examination has finished.

The doctor takes off his glows and turns to the sink to wash his hands thoroughly. In the nex step he preferes to use his bare hands for better control of his handling.

Meanwhile the nurse is preparing further Jonny's genitals for the step to come. Teenage boys need especially much preparation. She has already pulled out the catheter, and takes hold of a suction tube. She slides down his foreskin, spread his urethral cleft and gently pushes the succion tube down inside his now semi-erect penis, steadily deeper, while the suction pumps all the slime he has inside his urethra with a slurping noise. Some teenage boys has a lot of slime that has to be cleaned out and Jonny is one of them, but eventually his urethra is clear for endosocpy.

She also adjusts the stirrups so that his legs got more straight, but widely spread, and the doctor again sits between his spread legs. He gets a straight rigid cystoscope handed by the nurse.

The nurse helps the doctor by holding Jonny's penis with retracted foreskin and his urethral opening spread. The boy has a penis with average length, but some thicker than average, and a long urethral cleft, not unlike the vulva of a girl.

Very gently the doc is inserting the cystoscope, slowly letting it penetrate through his urethra, steadily deeper. Just before it reaches the prostate area, he swings the cystoscope downwards to straighten out the urethra so that he can pentrate it all the way into the bladder. All the time he looks at the screen on the wall to scrutinize the inside intimacy of the boy. All the equipment used is connected to thet screen and the central computer in the car.

He finds a problem in the boy's prostate area and bladder neck. He is more narrow there than the standard set by society, and announces it at the other nurse that notes it at the journal of the central computer of the van.

Everything the doctor sees also gets deposited in this electronic journal as videos and pictures and the journal will then be sent to the central authorities that will go through the journal to establish an accurate diagnosis and call in the boy for treatment.

Once penetrated into the bladder, the doc slides the instrument somewhat in and out and swings it up and down, to right and left many time to scrutinize every inch of his bladder.

Eventually he pulls the instrument out again and the nurse reinserts a catheter. She also adjusts his pelvic area by tilting the examination table and flexes and spread his legs even more to make even fuller admittanse for the doctor to the boy's anus. The time has come for a full inspection of his rectum and colon.

The doctor already holds the colonoscope in his hands, and gently he pushes its tip through Jonny's anus. Step by step he slides it through the anus, while also pumping in air to make good passage and view. He pushes it steadily further up into the colon and stepwise let it advance so that the tip reaches the end of the colon. There he inspects the junction to the small intestine very closely and even let the tip go some inches up into the small intestine.

Then he pulls the scope slowly back again and look even closer when the tip passes the opposite way. All the time pictures are taken automatically to be scrutinized by doctors at the center.

The scope is eventually out again. The nurses take over. Immediately they catheterize him also with a thicker catheter through his anus. Then the nurses dismount Jonny's legs from the stirrups and lay him flat on his back.

The driver and technician are called into the examination room with the stretcher. The boy is lifted onto the stretcher, still with the IVs, the device that gives him anesthesia into his blood stream, and with both the catheters and the bags to collect urine and rectal discharge.

The driver and techician bring the boy back to the house, with the nurses following, where his mother is waiting. They reposit him in his bed with his mother watching anxiously in the background. He still has on him the IV that helds him inconscious by anesthetic medicine, the monitor wires, and both the urinary and anal catheter.

The nurses turn off the anesthesia and removes the IVs, but let the monitoring wires and the catheters be in place. But they give him a shot in a buttock containing relaxing deposit drugs that will make him very relaxed, tired and weak the next three days.

Gradually the boy wakes up and gets aware of the catheters going in through his penis and anus. These things feel so waird, but they do not actually hurt. "What are these things in my willy and butt?", he asks somewhat disoriented.

"They are called catheters" , a nurse replies, "Boys in your age are very weak in they bottom, and need something to help them pee and poop at times, and especially after big exams, but another nurse comes to take them out tomorrow morning."

Jonny is an obedient boy and accepts that he will need some help with his intimate functions, and again he falls in sleep.

Evantually the nurses remove the monitoring wires too, and give his mother instructions about how to handle his boy in the following hours until the cathters are removed.

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