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Date Posted: 17:07:38 12/12/24 Thu
Author: Knut Holt
In reply to: Knut Holt 's message, "A bizarre lawsuite about sexual abuse going on in Norway" on 00:06:47 12/01/24 Sun

>To understand this case, one must first understand something about the Norwegian society.

This society surveills and spies on the private life of individuals in all thinkable ways, and the government feels now limits regarding means of spying on individuals.

Furthermore, all kind of service providers are used to spy upon and report about the life of citizens: Doctors, other health service providers, banks, real estate brokers, insurance companies, teachers, kindergartens. Everybody have a duty to surveil, spy and report.

Certain standard things are always reported. In addition they are obliged to report particularities about individuals that do not have the correct politically standard social life and attitude. This is not limited to unhealthy lifestyle. All kinds of deviating lifestyle and attitudes are regarded as something suspicious.

Some of this spying, especially that dealing with health and sexuality is managed by certain centers or projects, some permanent, some temporary, and selected service providers are especially engaged as surveillers or spies, in addition to the general duty all providers have to report.

The way this case developed suggest that this doctor and his staff were specially appointed spies of this kind, observing individuals in the most intimate ways, and not only girls and women, but surely also boys.

But he extended this duty into a cracy hobby, which eventually got him into trouble. His staff was possibly not aware of this extension.

This interpretation of the case is supported by these facts:

He kept on for many years, even after he got reported the first times.

A long time the police protected him and dismissed the cases.

The doctor is not a gynecologist, but he attended special courses in gynecology, without anybody asking what need he had for this additive education in addition to what every doctor needs.

He documented the examinations with several cameras mounted at different angles. He had never dared to do this or taken the trouble to do this if it all was a kind of hobby. This ample documentation had therefore originally another purpose. But he surely used some of it for own gratification later.

Only a small selected portion of this photographic material is used in the case by the court, as if the authorities also have something to hide.

Many of his victims were women and girls that already were in social trouble with society, or were not living in a standardized way.

The police and the court are very manipulative regarding what evidence are used in the case. Many of the victims, actually most of them, are not allowed to witness. They seem to only use the victims that can tell about the hobby particularities as evidence.

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