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Date Posted: 14:32:16 01/04/25 Sat
Author: Knut Holt
Subject: Girl, 12-15yo, France, Extensive tests and intimate internal inspections

Girl, 12-15yo, France, Extensive tests and intimate internal inspections

I am a female. It occurred in France at the ages 12, 14, 16, 18, 22, 25, Year 2000 or after. I was examined at school, in a health center and in a hospital. I was brought by my parents, and later went by myself. Physicians and medical students examined me, and it occurred together with parents and brother


They performed a neurologic exam with electrodes on me. They performed an electrocardiogram of my heart. They performed a exam with electrodes on my head.

They performed a full functional test of my breathing,heart and blood circulation under workload.

They performed a psychological exam. They made interrogations about my social relations and my daily life.

They took x-rays of the examined areas. They took tomographic x-ray scans of the examined areas. They took MMR-scans of the examined areas. They took ultrasound pictures of the examined areas.

They examined my head teeth or jaws. They did an orthopedic exam.


They examined the organs inside my chest. They examined my organs inside my stomach. They examined my genitals, my rectal zone and generally my pelvic zones.

They inserted instruments into my nose. about 20 cm long hose.

They inserted instruments into my mouth.

They inserted tubes into some blood vessels, in both groins. They examined my blood vessels or heart with a catheter inserted into a blood vessel.

They inserted instruments into my urinary opening. repeatedly different catheters some very long

They inserted instruments into my vagina. many different tools it hurt very much. They did repeated vaginal elasticity tests until severe pain

They inserted instruments into my rectal opening, many different tools it hurt very much


I was given sadative or pain-killing medicines through my mouths. I was given anesthesia into the blood-stream. I was sedated but awake. I was sedated but mostly sleeping. I was totally put to sleep.

I was totally naked. My positions during the exam: standing lying on his bac, on his stomach, legs in stirrups and hands behind his head. Any strange equipment or arrangements in the exam room? very strong lighting one wall as a mirror.


First initial history then drink administered, stripping naked, shaving of pubic hair, disinfection, weighing and measuring all parts of the body, including the size and depth of the vagina, a very detailed medical examination including a long stress test, polygraph examination with many questions and very intimate character.

Then I was put to sleep on the examination table for about 4 hours. Then one day per ICU.

The exam ended this way: they removed all the catheters and released me at home the next day

Please add further comments: I was still completely naked having to stand with my arms by my side or behind my head while I wait.

What do you think was the reason for this exam? I was repeatedly resuscitated after birth.


They used a catheter to collect urine. They used a caheter or tube to take specimens from my urinary system. They inserted a special catheter or tube to measure something inside my urinary system. They inserted a scope to look into my bladder. I do not remember exactly how they examined my urinary system, but they did something down there. I suspect they examined my urinary or genital system under anesthesia but I do not remember.


They palpated my outer female genitals. They spread my genital lips to look inside. They examined my vagina with a speculum. They took speciments (pap smears etc) from my vagina with an instrument. They performed an outer ultrasound exam of my female genitals and lower tummy area. They perfomed an ultrasound exam through my vagina. They also did some more these things were: repeatedly opened my vagina very much investigated me and many medical students


They spread my cheeks and examined extarnally my rectal zone. They examined my rectum with an inserted finger. They inserted a speculum into my anus to examine it internally. They took specimens from my rectum or bowel with some tube-like instrument. They took some measurements inside my rectum or bowel with a long tube-like instrument.

They looked in through my rectum with a rigid optical scope. They examined my rectum and terminal colon with a flexibal scope.

They examined my rectum with an ultrasound sond. They performed a full colonoscopic exam of my entire bowel.

They did some more things these were: repeatedly opened my rectum very much, investigated me and many medical students. I think they did a rectal or bowel exam when I was under anesthesia but they did not tell me.


I had a strange pain or irritation down my throut after the exam as if I had been secretly intubated. I had a hard time breathing for a few days I had strange pain or irritation in my rectal zone and stomach as if my rectum or bowel had been secretly examioned. A very sensitive rectum for several days, gases came out of me

I had strange irritation in my urethra and bladder zone as if this body part had been secretly examined. several days pinkish urine and cutting while urinating They catheterized me without any good purrpse as I could see.


They put me totally to sleep even though I was told only to have a simple exam. I was called in for quite another thing but they also examined my genital and urinary zone. I was called in for quite another thing but they also examined my rectal zone. Someone came and performed a psychological test even though I was called in for quite another thing. on examination completely naked with her legs apart and her hands behind her head

Someone strange person came and performed an intimate exam even though I was called in for quite another reason. Electrodes in the rectum and vagina

Someone strange person came and performed a social interrogation even though I was called in for quite another reason. completely naked with the participation of many medical students

The exam took a very long time. she slept for 4 hours and another hour the next day while removing the catheter from her abdomen


The exam did not result in any diagnosis. New exams as follow up: regular check-up with the school doctor again always completely naked with catheter insertion. Other kind of follow-up: introduction of electrodes and temperature measurements in the vagina and rectum.


It looks parents made this report about her doughter.

One purpose of these ordeals was to perform a comprehensive health check upon certasin concerns, incluning the need for resucitation after her birth. But teis was not the main objective.

Another purpose was to modify her bodily functions, development, puberty and sexual functionss according to wish from authorities dealing with her, and to prevent dangerous health episodes.

But they used the opportunity also to use her in a project for general surveillance and experiment on the young population with these purposes:

- Finding out everything about daily life, habits, thinking, reaction and attitudes.

- Finding out everything about bodily, sexual and psychological development.

- Finding out everything about health and microbial fauna in the body.

- Experimenting with methods of modifying development and behavior in directions wanted by society.

- Instruction of medical students

- Taking samples of tissue to use in research, to treat other pations and for industrial production of drugs.

What happend to her when she was under anesthesia, can be summarized as follows.

- Catheterization through vessels in the groin to inspect the heart.

- Endoscopic inspection and sample taking with instruments put through all body openings.

- Sample taking from, urinary system, genitals and digestive system.

- Surgical modification inside the digestive system, urinary system and genitals to alter functions and development.

- Possible injection of depot drugs in joints, genitals and body tissues to modify development.

- Neurological testing with electrodes.

- Possibly experimenting with new surgical methods and drugs.

During the time she were under general anesthesia, she had breathing tube and artificial ventilation, which gave symptoms afterwards.

After the ordeals they held her sedated some hours in an intensive care unit with mounted catheter, rectal tube, IVs, beathing tube and possibly artificial ventilation.

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