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Date Posted: 07:45:49 02/05/25 Wed
Author: Knut Holt


Summer camps are often used to let young people go through very comprehensive health assessments. Besides being said to benefit the kids themselves, objectives for the procedures nearly allways also is surveillance and research about the young populatian and their parents. Furthermore tissue gathering for various purposes are often done, sometimes secretly, sometimes with some pretence.

Another purpose often encountered is manipulation of growth, puberty and physiology so that the kid develops according to a strict normality plan. Often this plan is specifically geared at developing sport champions, dance atheletes of the like.

The public is told very little about these ordeals, even though they are quite common in all western societies, and societies assosiated with the wastern sphere, and also in societies that belonged to the European former comunist region.

Here I have made a collection of reports from such ordeals. Not all reports are equally well edited. Also I have puposefully let some language faults remain uncorrected because such faults is a sign of genuine origin.

Boy, 13-16yo, USA, internal examinations and body testings at summer camp

It happened as early teen 13-16, in North America. The procedure happened in USA, in 2010 or later.

I was 13 and it happened in July. It happened at a special health center where they do the exam. Some sort of exam of teens.

My whole cabin along with a girls cabin were brought in on a bus from camp. There were 20 of us all tougher, 10 boys and 10 girls.


No explanations before, but after reading the comments here I wish they did. My stomach got washed out with a tubular device inserted in through my anus. I was taken into an operating room and had a mask put on me.They gave me gas through the mask.


I had dental work at the health center before the preparations. I had an exam or surgery in my stomach area. I had an exam kind of like what the other boys have posted about, except I had mine well I was at a summer camp. My experience was the same as the other boys.


I had pain irritition or other problems in my mouth. I had pain irritation or other problems in my respiratory tract or lungs. I had pain irritation or other problems in my hip joints or hip muscles. I had pain irritation or other problems in my urethra or bladder. I had pain irritation or gas in my colon or lower stomach. I had pain or irritation in my esophagus or upper stomach.


Yeah some clear liquids from IV that the nurse said was saline and I also had some insulin because I'm diabetic. I had breathing tube, but when I was awake enough they took it out. I had catheter, they wanted to measure how much I peed. No anal tube, but they did wash me out with something that sounds like that before the exam.

Heart monitor Yes, they axamined me afterwards, and they were really nice. I was under the whole time and did not wake up during teh procedure.

We went back to the camp the next afternoon. Well we were leaving another group from the camp arived too. I am male.


This is a procedure done on kids all over the world in selected communities, schools, camps and institutions. It is done for surveillance of the young population, for scientific research and for health control.

During the procedure, the staff inspects the inside of the kid through all body openings and inside the abdomen through a hole made in or near the navel, and in addition electronic tests of all body areas, and exam of most body areas with ultrasound and x-ray. Specimens of all body fluds are also taken. Sometimes adjustments inside the kids are also done.

The boy points at similar exams other boys he knows about had, and of which I have detailled descriptions, so that I know exactly what was done with the boy.

It says that the exam took place in USA, but this group of boys are from a community near Toronto in Cannada, so this is a community where all kids undergo these exams. Possibly the summer camp was in USA.

Knut Holt


Boy 13yo, Ontario, Canada, taken secretly at summer camp for intimate exams

This event got reported as an alien abduction, but I think some kind of governmental project stood behind, and not alens from space or the like.

I am male. It happened at Arden Ontario at the age 13 at a Summer camp


Some alien-looking being appeared by me , but I did not see where they came from. I didn't see any sort of vehicle. Some sort of thing grey being appeared next to my bed.

I just got paralyzed as they approached me. I suddenly was inside the vehicle or some foreign place without knowing how it happened. I'm not sure where I was, but I was strapped down to a metal table They stripped me totally naked.


They emptied my bladder with a tube inserted into my urinary opening. They emptied my colon with a device inserted through my anus. They let me lay waiting after the preparation at a sort of table. When waiting I was strapped down. When waiting I had some device at my urinary opening to keep me empty. When waiting I had some device at my anus to keep me empty. When waiting I had a mask over my mouth and nose.

As a preparation I got anesthesia so that I lost my consciousness totally.


I don't know much what they did I. I do not remember that they tested me. I do not remember they examined my limbs and joints. I cannot remember they examined my intimate zone. I don't remember any exams down there.

What I remember is the following:

They looked at and felt on my head face. mouth eyes ears and nose. They put instruments into my ears. They put instruments into my nose. They put instruments into my mouth and down into my throat.

They looked and felt at my breast. They looked and felt at my stomach. They felt everything well i was naked.


They brought me back in the same way as they took me. I woke up back in my bed I felt tired and drawsy when I was back. I had bruices on parts of me. I had cuts on parts of me. My clothes were messed up or put back clumpsily. I felt totally empty in my stomach as if all the contents in my intestines had been flushed out. At my next doctors appointment he noticed that I had my tonsils removed.


The event did not change me or my life. Just made me wonder what happened.


Many abductions for exams and experimentations happen at summer camps, and Canada seems to have many such stories.

They surely inspected the lower digestive system of the boy through his anus, his genitals, and his urinary system through his urethra. The preparations he talks about is exactly those before such exams.

They also surely took tissue samples from several parts of him.

Before the event they came into the room where he slept, paralyzed him and made him uncouscious before abducting him. This could have been done with gas given througfh a mask or by electronic waves directed against him. Probably both him and the other boys in the camp had been made sleepy before the abduction, possibly through the evening meal, or by anesthetic gas let into the room.

Those doing this to him could have been alien beings of some kind.

But most probably some governmental project, cooperating with the camp, abducted him, and they brought him into a secret room at the camp. The purpose of such projects seem to be surveillance about the health and habits of the young population, and to use kids as experimental objects.

The people coming into the room were probably masked, and possibly wore gas mask to protect themselves against anestheric gas in the room. This fact and because the boy already had been made slepy, made them appear alien and mystical.

Knut Holt


Boy, 13 yo, Canada, abducted from cabin at summer camp, probably by government (Probably at Arden due to another similar report where this place is mentioned)

Another report, originally reported as alien abduction, possibly from ahnother boy in the same group.

I am male. It happened at summer camp in Canada. I was 13 at the time.


I was lying in bed in my cabin. I had just gone to the bathroom. Some alien-looking being appeared by me, but I did not see where they came from.

I didn't see the vehicle but I was taken up in a bright light through the roof of the cabin. They floated me along suspended in the air. I suddenly was inside the vehicle or some foreign place without knowing how it happened.


They also took with them other persons, teenagers, together with me. The first room I was in was like a waiting room and me and my other cabin mates were all lying on beds that looked like hospital beds.

When waiting I was strapped down. When waiting I had some device at my urinary opening to keep me empty. When waiting I had some device at my anus to keep me empty. When waiting I had a mask over my mouth and nose. I saw teenage people being prepared together with me.

I was then taken to an operating room with glass walls in it and put onto a table with bright lights over it. They stripped me totally naked. They washed me. They emptied my bladder with a tube inserted into my urinary opening. They emptied my colon with a device inserted through my anus.

Yes it was an operating room like I described before. I could see my cabin mates in other rooms They took off my boxers that I was sleeping in, washed me and then emptyed my bladder and intestines.


They monitored my reactions with devices on my head. They monitored my reactions with devices at different body parts. They tested my reaction with devices at my pelvic area, genitals or rectal zone. They stimulated me with electrodes at various body parts and tested my reactions. I was kept in the same room as before before the tests.

They hooked up wires to me and ran machines over me.


They looked at and felt on my head, face. mouth, eyes, ears and nose. They put instruments onto my eyes and looked into them. They put instruments into my ears. They put instruments into my nose.

They put instruments into my mouth and down into my throat. They put instruments through my mouth and all the way into my stomach. They put instruments through my mouth and down towards my lungs. They stuck some needles into parts of my head or neck. They examined my head with electrodes. They examined my head with something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment. They examined my head and neck in other ways.

I didn't feel anything at all and they were doing the same thing to everyone in different rooms.


They looked and felt at my breast. They examined my breast with something like x-rays or ultrasound equipment. They stuck needles into my breast. They looked and felt at my stomach. They examined my stomach with something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment. They stuck needles into my stomach.

They looked and felt at my back. They examined my back with something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment. They stuck needles into my back. They examined my breast, stomach and back with electrodes. They examined my breast, stomach and back in other ways.

I don't really remember much they seemed to be curious about my belly more than anywhere else.


They looked at and felt at my limbs and joints. They tested my joints by bending, flexing, spreading and twisting my legs, arms, hands and feet in all thinkable direction. They used something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment on my joints and limbs. They stuck needles into my joints and limbs. They examined my joints and limbs with electrodes. They examined my limbs and joints in other ways.

I don't really remember much about what they did except move my arms and legs around.


They looked at and felt at my intimate area. They examined the outside of my genitals and pelvic area with something like x-ray or ultrasound equipment. They inserted a thin and long instrument in through my urinary opening, like a cystoscope.

They stuck something like an ultrasound sond in through my anus. They inserted a thin and long instrument through my anus, like a colonoscope.

They stuck needles into my genitals. They examined my intimate zone in other ways. They put some needles into my balls.


I was lying down on my back the whole time. Sometimes they moved the table to elivate my legs.


I don't remember anything else except they said I would go to sleep soon and wake up in my bed again.


I do not remember how I got back, but I woke up at the place where they took me.


I felt tired and drawsy when I was back. When I woke up I had my underwear on backwards and they were another boys and I had my appendix removed. My clothes were messed up or put back clumpsily. Some clothes were changed with somebody else's clothes.

I felt totally empty in my stomach as if all the contents in my intestines had been flushed out. We all had small scars where our appendix should have been. Nope not at all.


The experiencer seems to know much about what was done, but did not really sensed much of it due to anesthesia. But he possibly sensed glimpses and saw things done with other kids that made him understand what was done.

It looks like those doing the ordeal were in a hurry, which caused clupsy handling of clothes, a feature often reported.

The boy got taken right after having been at the toilet, something fairly often reported.

Then brought to a hospital room and placed naked in a hospital bed. There they used devices at his genital and rectal area to induce urination and bovel movements. It seems that some of the tests was done in this room. It looks like he got his boxers back again and had to wait some time.

Then brought into a surgery cubicle, again got naked, and a thorrough bathing and flushing of bladder and colon occurred, got deeper anesthesia and the rest of the procedures occurred.

The kids were most probably examined and used in some secret governmental surveillance project directed on children and teens. The whole procedure followed a standard international protocol used for extensive examination of kids, sometimes as a part of secret projects, but in some communities around the world as a mandatory procedure all kids go through, but is nevertheless never spoken about to the public.

The fact that the kids did not ask very much about what had happened afterwards is an effect of the anesthesia given. The staff at the camp did not react either, because they knew what was going on. It seems that governments use some camps very much to subject kids to such secret projects, and Canada seems to be very much involved in these projects.

The body development status, the stomach area and the intimate area are always of most interest in these projects. They probably stole tissue from the abdominal area, including the apendices, for use in research and for treatment of other patients. This tissue was surely sold through the international organ trade market.

The ordeal most probably began by the staff giving the kids some anesthesia through their evening meal, injected some anetshesia gas into the kabin, or knocked the kid out with some kind of electromagentic rays. Also bright light over the kids had the effect of knocking them out and making them feel like floating.

Then they came in and carried the kids to a secret medical area, possibly underground. The staff surely disquized themselves by wearing masks and uniforms for the task. Some kind of anesthesia make the patient feel like floating and going towards the roof, for example ketamine.


By search I found two summer camp sites in Arden Ontario.

One is Camp Kennebec for kids with special needs. The place has a high ratio of staff versus kids, and it caters for kids width a wide range of special needs. One can therefoe expect that this camp possesses facilities and staff that are able to support the type of ordeals told about here.

Furthermore it is rather secretive about the premises of the facility and the daily routines, which may be a sign that they have installations and things going on that they do not want the public to know about.

But looking at available photos, it sems like the campers are lodged in moderatedly sized and fairly hermetic huts standing apart from other buildings, which makes it easy to perform the control needed for the ordeal and bring the kids out to some other nearby building without being noticed during night.

Since this camp must be fairly expensive to run, there will be a temptation to lend out kids for projects for money.

The other is Camp Circle Square Ranch. This camp has special boys and girls programs, for boys age 12-16, and for girls curiously age 6-16. This may make it easier to form a closed environment where ordeals of the kind take place.

Also this camp lodge the kids in fairly small hermetic cabins, and the cabins and other houses tend to be placed in rows so that it is easy to bring kids under cointrol and take them to the house nearby to perform the ordeal.

By looking at photos, I found one particular interesting detail. Before each meal, each kid gets a ountmeasured amount of liquid to drink that stand ready at the table, which makes it easy to lure into the kids drugs to calm them down.

Furthermore, the camp life focuses on activities of high physical intensity, which will make the campers highly tired for the nights and likely to sleep heavily.

Knut Holt


Girl 9-14yo testing and inspection on all body areas at summer camp but with gynecological focus

I am female. It happened in Eastern Europe in the years 1980-1989 when I was 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 years old The exams were done during the summer camps all children of my class were to and all children at the school of my age group. After about one week in camp we were told we would have a special exam to see If our body had developed nornally and who was suitable for doing competetive sports. My parents did not get any information before or after the exams. Once I tried to tell them about what had happened they only said they didn't want to know, and I simply should do what the docters want me to without argueing.

It happened at the former Sovjet Republic of Moldova. My school was at Chi?inau and we drove about one hour to the camp (girls and boys had different camps). The exams occured in a hidden part of the camp. There was a room like a small gym and two Secret rooms behind it where the gyno exams where done.

We went to the gyms in groups of four girls (we wore slips only) and had to do sports while doctors were looking at us. After that every girl had a psychological survey done by a doctor. We were asked about our family life if we had seen our parents nude if we liked school if we were interested in sex when we had masturbated for the first time and so on. The exams happened at the following day.


I was not allowed to seat some time before the exam. They washed me before the exam. I got a traditional enema before the exam to clean out my stomach. I was totally naked through all the procedures.

I had to strip totally naked before the exam. I was placed to lay on several ways: on my back with streight legs, on my back with my legs flexed up spread and mounted upon two devices, on my stomach with my legs flexed down and spread, on my left side

I got IVs tubes into blood vessels in an arm. I got IV tube into blood vessels in a leg. I got a blood pressure monitor wrapped around an arm or a leg. I got a tube or wire in through my urethra. I got a tube or sond in through my anus.

I got some numbing and lubricating cream injected into my urinary opening. I got lubricating and numbing cream into my vagina. I got some numbing and lubricating cream injected into my anus.

I was mostly awake during the procedure despite anesthesia given. That morning I felt very weak and dizzy like the other girls who had an exam. We were the same group of four girls that day. We had to strip naked and shower then we went to the medical rooms behind the gym. There were four gyn chairs in a line. A doctor came in and did photos of us four together (in line: front back bent over). Then every girl took place in one of the gyn chairs. Then a nurse came in and adjusted the chairs (it was hurting because she opened my legs as wide as any possible) and restrainted our feet arms and waists.

We got an traditional enema.- I do not remember I have been given any anesthesia beside the lubricating cream I got in my anus and my vagina but I guess they mixed some drugs into the water we had drunken that morning. Though I felt weak and lazy - I needed help when I had to go in a new position - I was also in a cooperarive and positive mood and felt sexually excited.


They examined my upper body, my stomach area and my hip area, with an ultrasound device or something similar. They took chest x-ray pictures. They took stomach x-ray pictures. They took x-ray pictures of my hip area.

They examined my genitals with an ultrasound device.


They ispected the inside of my nose with a scope They inspected the inside of my throut with a scope. They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope. They took specimens from my urethra with a tube. They used a speculum in my vagina. They took specimens from my vagina with a tube.

The doctor explored my vagina with a finger. They inspected my vagina with a scope. They inspected me through my vagina with an ultrasound probe.

The doctor explored my anus with a finger. They inspected my anus with a speculum. They took specimens from my anus with a tube. They inspected me through my anus high up with a flexible scope. They inspected me through my anus with an ultrasound probe.

I do not remember these details exactly I just can say Most of things delt with vagina and anus. It was a sexually charged atmosphere.


I remember the doctors talking about our bodies and making inaproppriate sexual remarks (like how big my cervix was and how cute I looked without bodyhair grown. When I was older and had grown breasts a doctor played with them). All girls were masturbated to orgasm. The way they did it made me feel god at it there and then.


They held me inconscious for some hours I had a tube going in through my anus. I lay with my legs in stirrups some time after the exam. None. We got some time to recover and went back to the group.


I attended public boarding school.


This exam was a part of a procedurte to elect children for chapionship sport for Moldavia and the USSR. It was also to see if the children needed sone bodily adjustment regarding development and fitness for chapoinship sport. According to my material children in sport schools very often go through procedures to change the pubertal development to adjust the urinary organs and especially the lower digestive system. An exam procedure like this is often used as an initiation of these adjustments. It seems that they made adjustments in the pelvic floor, the anus, the colon and the reproductive organs of this girl.

If her bodily functions got changed in some way or her pubertal development got delayed or acelearated this is a good indication such adjustments were done.

Such adjustments are often done by inserting tubes or balloons that are inflated to block out the urethra, colon or vagina and by injecting depot medicines that are released over time into the buttocks, pelvic structures or the legs.

What the girl tells clearly shows that she also got anesthesia through IV tubes and that she was totally inconscious some of teh time. Probably they inspected her down into her stomach through her mouth and her whole urinary system up to her kidneys when she was uncoscious.

But the procedure told about was and is used on children and teens in the whole world for surveillance of the young population Children at selected communities and schools are selected for the procedure and it occurs in all countries. It is coordinated by some central international unit, probably the WHO. It is possible that the procedure the girl experienced not only was coordinated by the USSR but also from the top international level and that the USSR also took part in this interntional program which by the way is going on more intensily now than ever.

Testing of sexual reactions seem to be a part of this exam procedure. But it also look like the staff that performoms this procedure also often twist their work in such a way that they satisy their own sexual lust. This seems to have been the case here.

Knut Holt

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