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Subject: Re: 1992 Miss USA's Unfortunate Trouble's

La Twuan Moss (joyful)
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Date Posted: 07:32:40 08/13/10 Fri

In a little over a week from now, we will have a new Miss Universe. It's time for the USA to break the winning streak of these gorgeous South Amerian beauties. It's been about 13yrs. since the USA won the crown for our country. Then, Brooke Lee of hawaii won, just two years after Texas beauty Cheelsi Smith won in '95. Today, Rima Fakih (Michigan) is Miss USA 2010. Rima has a good chance on winning the title this year. She has the charisma, intelligence, and articulatory skills needed to represent the young women of today. She's very beautiful, and has the sex appeal that the organization seems to look for. Good luck to Rima Fakih, and practice on thatevening gown strutt. Miss Universe airs Aug. 23, 2010 live from Mandalay bay, in Las Vegas Nevada.

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