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Date Posted: 08:46:23 05/25/08 Sun
Author: John Doe
Subject: Chapter 2: Our Mayor- the slumlord

'I' can NOT buy a parcel of land within city limits, and place a "trailer-house", to 'live in' and or 'rent out', unless it is in the properly designated and or zoned area(s).

But that doesn't keep Our Mayor, from overseeing an estate in which he 'helps to manage', several such 'sets' of these 'very old' mobile home units. To top it off they are placed within eyeshot of our 3 most heavily traveled streets- 82, 4th, and Pecan. Grandfathering in old estates that allow one or two families, to operate outside of the accepted standards, seems to me to be a little intellectually dishonest. If it is a "mobile home", it goes in area A. If it is a ‘house’ home you can build or place it in area B. Allowing one group to break with this code, is still resulting in the wrong units in the wrong places. Grandfathering-in, or using 'historical significance' as a reason to break with adopted code(s) might work, IF it were or did indeed have some "historical significance".

But we are talking above a dozen trailers in the wrong spot…

What is the point of having the law, when there are clear violators within eyeshot of our busiest streets?

Our counsel enacted these codes for a reason, shouldn't we all be held to the same standards?

Is it really asking an "undo burden" to ask someone to move a "mobile home" to its properly designated zone, within a town less than 3 miles wide?

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